Monday, July 30, 2012

Master Bathroom Makeover

Hi! It’s Jilly. With all the craziness that surrounded our move I forgot to show you guys some of the awesome stuff we did to our house in Arizona!

The room we are probably the most proud of is the Master Bath. We did a TON of work in there!

Master Bath makeover- Before1

Master Bath Makeover- Before2
And After:
 Master Bath Makeover- After

What do you think?!
Let’s see those side-by-side, shall we?

Master Bath makeover- Before1Master Bath Makeover- After

Looks like a totally different bathroom, doesn’t it?!

So, what did we do?

* removed the tile and replaced it with new travertine
* refinished the cabinet and added new hardware
* framed the mirror
* replaced the faucets
* put in new baseboards
* painted the walls
* replaced the towel rods
* changed out the light fixture

Phew!! But, it looks sooooo much better! I wish we’d gotten it done while we lived there, rather than finishing it up right before we moved. *sad face*

Oh, well. I hope the new owners appreciate it! (Well, once we find a buyer, that is!)

Linking up here.


  1. I've nominated you for a Liebster Award. Check it out:

  2. It looks good. You did a fantastic job!

  3. I think you did an amazing Job, Jillian! It looks great!

    1. Thanks, Sara!! My hubby did most of it, and my in-laws helped a lot, too. So, I can't take much of the credit. ;)

  4. That looks awesome! Its it amazing how a transformation can take place! I LOVE it :) We just put in new flooring in our entire house, so going from carpet to wood makes everything look different too. Change is awesome :) Thanks for stopping by my blog, I appreciate it! Happy to have the Mingle to be able to connect to great people like you :) Cindy from

    1. Yeah, going from carpet to wood is HUGE! Thanks for your kind words. Excited to get to know you better! :)

  5. Wow! This is so great. :) You can look at it as practice for the house you are living in now!

    Brie @ Breezy Pink Daisies

    1. Oh how I wish! We'll be renting for at least the next three years while the Hubs is in residency. Oh, well. Someday, right?! Thanks for stopping by! :)

  6. It looks great! I'm planning something similar for my parent's bathroom when I'm visiting there next week. I'll have to check back to this for some inspiration! :)

  7. Your bathroom makeover looks so good! I love the dark cabinetry color and the new floors. Nice work!

    1. Thanks! Choosing the color for the cabinetry was rough, but I like how it turned out. Thanks for your comment! :)

  8. Wow! I love the feeling of seeing something new in the home, even if it's something small - it can give you such a lift!! Way to go!!

  9. Looks amazing. I bet you are excited - thanks for showing off! I'm so glad you linked up at Romance on a dime's TIOT party!!

  10. I love the after way better:)

    Hopping by and following your lovely blog (FB, Twitter and Pinterest).

    The Quiet Mom blogging @ How to Cook Fresh Artichoke Recipe

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  11. Totally different! Love the new look! Thanks so much for sharing at Mom On Timeout!

  12. you guys did an amazing job! i think we are going to try tackling framing the mirror in our master bathroom this weekend! wish us luck!

  13. Very nice job - bathroom vanity looks awesome!

  14. I love the cabinets! Really makes the whole room pop!


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