Friday, July 27, 2012

Weekend Blog Walk: Week #12 - Link up your blog!!

I'm so excited to be participating again in the Weekend Blog Walk. I loved seeing all the awesome blogs linked up! If it's your first time here be sure to say "Hi!" in the comments. Let's start this party and see what Jessica from At Home Take 2 has to say!

Welcome to Week # 12 of Weekend Blog Walk.  It was great to check out what everyone was posting last week.  I'm still trying to catch up!  We're looking forward to more amazing blogs linking up and another great weekend of sitting back and between everything else that our busy lives have us doing.

Come join in the fun for Weekend Blog Walk. 

At Home Take 2

Rules for the Weekend Blog Walk are simple:
1)  Follow your Co-Hosts (1-4 on the Linky) via GFC, and Facebook, Twitter or Email and please leave a comment on their blog if you are a new follower.  

Jessica from At Home Take 2 
Jillian from Hi! It's Jilly. 
 Jenna from Call Her Happy 
 Hayley from Hayley's World.

  We love to see who is checking out our blogs and to check out as many of your blogs as we can.  

2) Please check back next week to see if you are a Featured Blogger.  This week's Featured Bloggers are: Like Mama Like Daughter and Our Everyday Harvest. Check them out! 

3) Try to visit at least 4 blogs and show some comment luv.

 4) Not required, but it would be great if you would spread the word about our Weekend Blog Walk via your blog, tweeting or posting on Facebook.  Thanks!

Have fun, and here's to a fun and fabulous weekend! 


  1. Hi! I'm a new follower from the blog hop.

    Erin @

  2. Hi, I'm a new participant and am now following your blog!

  3. Thank you for the feature! That was a sweet surprise. Have a blessed day.

  4. Hello! We have a little something in common: my daughter is almost 7, near your triplets' age! I'm a new follower and found you through the weekend blog hop!! :-)

  5. Hello! thanks for hosting!
    Im your newest follower :)

  6. Hi Jilly,
    I hope your weekend is going great. I am a new Follower from the Blog Hop.

  7. Hi! Thanks for finding and following me! Linking up to the blog hop and following you back! :)
    Melissa @

  8. Nice blog post as always!Thanks for hosting!!!Template Design

  9. Thanks for dropping by my blog, Jilly!

    I'm quite new to blog hopping but really enjoying meeting other bloggers! Hopefully when I get a minute I'll be throwing my name into the mix here and checking out some of the links :)

    1. It is way fun meeting other bloggers! Welcome, and hopefully we'll "see" you around! :)


Thanks for commenting! It really makes me smile!