Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Garlic Bread Ham & Cheese Sandwich- Guest Post from Five Little Chefs

Today I'm excited to be swapping blogs with Five Little Chefs! Head over to her cute blog to check it out! Here's her fabulous post. Enjoy!

First I want to thank Jill for inviting me to Guest Post here today! We are SUPER excited about this opportunity! Five Little Chefs was started this past January. My kids or "Little Chefs" as I call them
LOVE to help me in the kitchen and LOVE to watch the Food Network. We
decided to share our adventure as I let my Little Chefs have full control of the kitchen! They chose the recipes and execute every part they are safely able to do while I am constantly teaching and observing.
No I did not go to culinary school. I'm just a Mom who wants to teach her Little Chefs how to cook. We are fully enjoying the memories we are creating!

We love grilled cheese sandwiches. We have been trying some different variations of the classic grilled cheese such as Egg in the Hole Grilled Cheese Sandwich. Today we will show you how to make a Garlic Bread Ham and Cheese Sandwich. This recipe is very easy for the smallest chefs. They will need help with using the oven, but there are many other steps they can help with.

  First start out with prepared garlic bread from the freezer section. Let your little chef put all the pieces out on a cookie sheet in one layer. Warm it in the oven for the amount of time shown on the box. You don't want to get it really toasty because you will do that in another step. If you want you can toast one side - which will eventually be the inside and then later you can toast the outside when it is compiled.

Show your little chef how to layer one piece of garlic bread, one piece of ham, one piece of cheese, and another piece of garlic bread.

 Place the compiled sandwiches in a pan and cook until the bread is toasty then flip and toast the other side. The cheese should melt in the middle in the process.

Cut the sandwich in half and you are ready to eat! In our experience if the little chefs help cook it they are more likely to eat it because they are proud of their creation!

Garlic Bread Ham and Cheese Sandwich

Food Network Magazine

Prepare 2 thick slices frozen
garlic bread as the label directs. Sandwich with 2 slices each monterey
jack and ham. Cook, flipping once, until golden.

Thanks again Jill for letting us visit for the day. Make sure you stop by Five Little Chefs - Cooking with Kids and link up to my weekly recipe party Fantastic Thursday, and also follow us on Facebook & Twitter!


  1. Yum, this looks really really good! Now I'm hungry. ;)

  2. Yummy!! I'm trying this one with my family!

  3. brilliant idea! looks yummy too!


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