Friday, October 12, 2012

Weekend Blog Walk- Let's Mix and Mingle!

Hi! It's Jilly. Welcome to the Weekend Blog Walk! Last week we had almost 200 blogs link up!! Wow!! Spread the word and see if we can get it over the 200 mark! Woot!

Thanks for linking up and visiting each others' blogs. It's what makes this Walk so successful! Let's get walkin'!

Weekend Blog Walk

Spread the love- give a shout out with #WeekendBlogWalk, or just hit the Tweet button below:

What is Blog Hop Etiquette anyway? 

Interested in being a Guest-Host?  There is a $10 fee to Guest Host.  This small fee allows us to advertise and promote the Weekend Blog Walk, while offering you a 10 Day Ad Spot on At Home Take 2 and Facebook and Twitter shout outs.  Send an email (athometake2 at gmail dot com) to reserve your spot.  Be sure to put Guest Host in the subject line.

Rules for the Weekend Blog Walk are simple:

1) Follow your Co-Hosts and Guest Hosts (1-6 on the Linky) via GFC, Feedburner, Facebook, Twitter and/or Pinterest. Please leave a comment if you are a new follower so we can say, "Hi!":

Jessica from At Home Take 2

Jillian from Hi! It's Jilly.

Jenna from Call Her Happy

Jesse from The Empowered Momma (Guest Host) 

Rachel from Postcards from Rachel (Guest Host)

Bonnie from Mrs. Bonn Bonn (Guest Host)

2) Post our button on your sidebar, or add a link on your Party List. 

3) Hop around and visit at least a few new blogs and meet some new blogging friends.

At Home Take 2

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="At Home Take 2" width="125" height="125" /></a>

Have Giveaways or want to enter? Do that here.


  1. Thanks for hosting again :) I love linking up here

  2. Hi Jillian, I'm Anne from Life on the Funny Farm (

    Just found your blog hop and I'm looking forward to joining up every week! Added your button and link to my blog.

    Anyway, it’s nice to "meet" you. I hope you can pop over to my blog and say hi sometime if you get the chance.

  3. Looking forward to following your blog!! :) Have a great weekend!


  4. Hi Jilly!
    I'm your newest gfc, facebook, twitter and pinterest follower. Hope you'll get a chance to visit Posed Perfection soon. Have a great weekend!

  5. Hi Jilly! Thanks for hosting!


  6. Hi Jilly! Thanks for hosting. I am following your blog.


  7. Hi! New follower from the Blog Walk!

  8. Thanks for linking up on last week's Make My Saturday Sweet blog hop! Don't forget to link today if you haven't already. Have a great weekend!

    Tina - mom of 4 and author of 5 blogs

  9. Just wanted to say hello to everyone. Thanks Jillian for hosting this blogwalk, I am a new follower on your blog. Also following on FB, & Twitter.

    Michelle - "Writing Dreams"

  10. Hi Jilly. Found your blog through the Walk. Nice to meet you! Now following and hope you follow back.



Thanks for commenting! It really makes me smile!