Sunday, December 2, 2012

31 Days of Christmas Music- Day 2

Hi! It's Jilly. Welcome to Day 2 of my Christmas Music series!

Today's song is near and dear to my heart. I sang it in choir many years ago, and it has stuck with me ever since. Many of you may not be familiar with it, but it is a gorgeous song called "What Sweeter Music".

The part of the song that really stands out to me is:

"We see Him come and know Him ours
Who with His sunshine and His showers
Turns all the patient ground to flowers
Turns all the patient ground to flowers.

The darling of the world is come.
And fit it is we find a room to welcome Him
To welcome Him."

When we were rehearsing this song I was very emotional. I was going through a lot in my personal life, and when I sung those words it moved something deep inside my soul. I knew that the Lord was aware of me, that my struggles were for my benefit, and that I just needed to be patient and "find a room to welcome Him".



  1. Love pretty much all holiday tunes. They make you feel so festive and connected to family and memories.
    Thank you for visiting my blog today. ;-)

  2. Hi there! New follower here from the Weekend Blog Walk...I think we can definitely relate! I am a mom of twins and a singleton born very close in age. I am looking forward to your blog posts! You can find me over at Moms Surviving Kids!


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