Friday, December 21, 2012

31 Days of Christmas Music: Day 21

Hi! It's Jilly. Glad to see you are all still here! The world didn't end like the Mayans said it would!

No, I didn't think anything would actually happen, did you?

Moving on...

Today's song in our 31 Days of Christmas Music is a gorgeous song I've sung in choir many times, Candlelight Carol by the incomparable John Rutter.

Back in the day Neil Diamond recorded this song and it is terrible! Nails on a chalkboard, people! Sorry if you're a Neil Diamond fan. It's like what Bill Murray says in the movie What About Bob?, "There are two types of people in this world. Those who like Neil Diamond, and those who don't."

I am of the "don't" variety.

SO, let's hear this song sung the proper way, shall we?


Pretty, eh? Come back tomorrow for some more beautiful Christmas music!

Don't forget to enter my giveaway for happening now! I make no guarantees, but if you enter you have a pretty good chance of winning. ;)

And, there's still time to link up with the Weekend Blog Walk if you have a blog, Facebook fan page, Twitter, or Pinterest. 

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful song! My daughter sand this in high school choir about 9 years ago. Merry Christmas!


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