Monday, December 3, 2012

31 Days of Christmas Music: Day 3

Hi! It's Jilly. It's day three of the 31 Days of Christmas Music series!

Today's selection is White Christmas. Many versions of this song have been done. I love the classic by Bing Crosby. You can't have a proper holiday without listening to Bing! Here is a clip from the 'debut' of this song.

 White Christmas first appeared in the movie "Holiday Inn", not "White Christmas" like most people think. Have you seen Holiday Inn?! Ah, it's a classic. You have to see it! It stars Bing Crosby AND Fred Astaire. Need I say more?!

And, if you are a child of the 80s like me, your holiday isn't complete without also hearing the version of White Christmas by The Drifters, which was used in the iconic 1990 movie "Home Alone". 

I could NOT, for the life of me, find a clip of Kevin singing it into his comb in the bathroom! You'll have to use your imagination,...or just watch the whole movie. You know you want to, anyway.

Check back tomorrow for our next installment of 31 Days of Christmas Music!

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1 comment:

  1. Can you believe that I actually have not seen Holiday Inn?


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