Thursday, December 6, 2012

31 Days of Christmas Music: Day 6

Hi! It's Jilly. We're on to day 6 of our 31 Days of Christmas Music Series!

Today our featured song is another one that may be unfamiliar to many of you, but I love it SO much. I first sang it in Chamber Choir in college, then I was able to conduct it when I was the choir director at church a few years ago. The lyrics and story are so touching to me.

It is about a little shepherd boy who is tending his flocks when the angels come to tell them about Jesus' birth. Then, as he gets older, he loses his way and forgets about the miracles he witnessed. Then, he is reminded that the Savior lives, and that His love never ends.

Shine For Me Again, Star of Bethlehem
By: Dan Carter

"The night was long, we traveled far,
at times I looked but could not see the star.
Yet still it shone, unveiling then
the way to Bethlehem. 
My heart held fear 'mid puzzled joy,
for I was only a small shepherd boy.
And on a hillside soft and green,
I heard an angel sing. 
I saw the midnight sky aflame with
radiant angels bathed in light, holy light.
Bringing word that Christ was born and
beckoning to find him, go and find him. 
A sweeter face I ne'er will see
than of those loving eyes smiling up at me.
I found a King; I found a friend
that night in Bethlehem. 
But life goes on, years beyond one brief night of my youth.
Time clouds my vision of truth. 
And tho' I stumble and fall I can hear someone call,
"Do not despair, your star is still there." 
That Christmas night so long ago
has filled my life with light because I know
that he lives now as he did then,
a King in Bethlehem.  
Whose love never ends.
Shine for me again,
Star of Bethlehem."

To see the rest of this series, click HERE.

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1 comment:

Thanks for commenting! It really makes me smile!