Saturday, December 8, 2012

31 Days of Christmas Music: Day 8

Hi! It's Jilly. It's Day 8 of the 31 Days of Christmas Music!

We're listening to two different versions of the same song today, All I Want For Christmas Is You. Each of them bring back vastly different memories for me. 

The Mariah Carey version takes me back to dances in college 10+ years ago. I can picture my friends and I having a blast dancing to this song, and it makes me feel happy inside.

The Michael Buble version makes me feel kind of sad. Last year my husband was gone on rotations for school all of October and November. He missed Halloween. He missed Thanksgiving. It was hard being a single parent of three six-year-olds for two months! So, whenever I heard this song my heart ached for him to be home. It was true...all I wanted for Christmas was my husband back!!

Which version is your favorite?

To see the rest of the series, click HERE.

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  1. I think I prefr Mariah Carey too :-)

  2. I like the Mariah version too. I agree, it just makes you instantly happy to hear it.

  3. Love the Mariah Carey version! So much fun!

    I'm holding my very first giveaway today if you would like to come take a peek! ;-)

  4. The Mariah version is probably my favourite Christmas song ever! Then again I do love Buble...Tough choice!

  5. Hi new blogger, following your site. Just found weekend blog hop looking forward to reading your blog

  6. oh my gosh- i have had that mariah carey song in my head all day! i can't get away from it- lol!!

  7. Hello! Found you VIA Paula's Blog Hop...i'm excited to keep reading your follower :)

  8. Hmmm... I'm gonna go with the Michael Buble version (it must be my Canadian bias!) lol Visiting from the Make My Saturday Sweet Hop and saying hello (from an old follower)! :D

  9. Hello!

    I'm following from the blog hop, thanks for hosting. Also, I look forward to meeting new Mom's.

    Lillies & Silk


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