Tuesday, May 7, 2013

How to Breastfeed Like a Rockstar: Tips and Tricks from a Triplet Mom

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Hi! It's Jilly. Yes, you read the title right. Today we are talking about breastfeeding. Men, you can avert your eyes. Or, if your wife is currently breastfeeding or will be soon you can "vert" your eyes...?

Anyway, I am a member of several mothers of multiples groups on Facebook, and new moms are always asking for info about breastfeeding, desperate for tips and wondering if they can breastfeed twins, or even triplets.

I am here to tell you that YES it is possible! I breastfed my triplets for just over a year, with not a ton of formula supplementation. I tell you this not to toot my own horn or be all, "Look how awesome I am" or anything like that. I'm just trying to convey that I have been in the trenches and have a decent amount of experience.

Today I will share with you all the tips I like to share with those new MoMs hungry for breastfeeding knowledge.

#1- Water, water, water!
In order to make milk you have to be drinking plenty of water. I used to HATE drinking water, so I would mix it up by adding lemon to my water and things like that. Here's the link to 50 Awesome Flavored Water Ideas to help you out.

#2- Milk Making Foods!
There are many foods that help with your milk supply. One of my favorites is full-fat ice cream (think Haagen Dazs) topped with malt powder. You can get powdered malt in the ice cream toppings aisle. It's like crushed up Whoppers. Oatmeal is great, too. Also, it's important to make sure you're eating at least 3 meals a day, plus snacks. You have to eat food to make food!

You can also get supplements from the health food store, like fenugreek, brewer's yeast and mother's milk blend. If you're still worried about supply, your OB or child's pediatrician can prescribe Reglan.

#3- Power Pump!
When I was breastfeeding I would feed two at a time, usually using the football hold, then feed the third on both breasts to keep everything even. Then, I would pump for 10-15 mins. That keeps your body thinking it needs to make more milk because there is a higher demand.

If you feel your supply is low, power pump once a day every day until your supply is back up where you want it. What is power pumping? For one hour alternate between pumping for 10 minutes and resting for 10 mins. It sounds exhausting, but it's really not that bad. Put on a movie or something and do your thang.

#4- A Good Pump!
We knew that I would be pumping a lot with the triplets, so we got a hospital grade breast pump, the Medela Symphony .

Ah! That pump was music to my ears. Super easy to use and you can adjust the suction level. It also has a let-down feature, so you can just push a button to make it suck harder after your milk lets down. Many insurance companies now will pay for part or all of the purchase of a breast pump, or the rental of a hospital pump. Just ask!

Yes, I realize the Symphony is 1500 buck-a-roos, but Medela's Pump in Style is really great, too, and it's only $250. Totally worth it, in my opinion. And, you can always sell it when you're done, because the pump kit is detachable, making it completely sanitary. (Are you sure this water's sanitary? It looks questionable to me... Ha ha!)

#5- Get on a Schedule!
One thing that will help you breastfeed is having your kid(s) on a schedule. Then your body knows what's coming and can have the milk ready when it's time. It gives your body enough time to make the milk, and your baby is more likely to get that good, hind milk he or she needs.

Many moms of multiples swear by Babywise, which is what we used, but I've heard good things about the Baby Whisperer, too. Babywise has a chapter devoted to multiples. The main gist of Babywise is this: get your baby on a schedule where they are eating every 3-4 hours, and do things in this order- sleep, eat, play. Feed your baby right after they wake up, let them 'play' a while, then put them down for a nap while they are still awake. When they wake up from their nap start the cycle all over again. Having the kids on a schedule like that totally saved my life when they were babies.

#6- Don't Stress
Breastfeeding can be very stressful at times if things aren't going the way you'd like them to, especially if you are trying to feed multiple babies. But, don't let yourself get worked up about it. Stress can lower your supply, so make sure you sleep when the babies are sleeping and enjoy the times when breastfeeding is going well. Those kids grow up way too fast!

If you've tried everything and breastfeeding still isn't working for you, don't feel bad about it. Good moms breastfeed, and good moms formula feed! ;)

There you have it. Now you're all set to breastfeed like the rock star that you are!

I hope this was a help to you. If you have any other questions, shoot me an email at hiitsjilly@gmail.com, or you can find me on Facebook or Twitter.

Be sure to pin this, so other mommas can find it! You can find me on Pinterest HERE and Instagram HERE.

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