You might be a doctor's wife if...
- the balance on your student loan statement is large enough to purchase your dream house.
- "call" is a four-letter word.
- you've ever been out-and-about with your family and someone has stopped your husband to ask him to look at his (fill in the blank).
- your husband says excitedly, "I'm going in for surgery!".
- you think whoever decided white coats should be white needs to be hunted down.
- you nonchalantly say to your friend, "Oh, Hubby's at the hospital."
- you've had dinner plans ruined by a case running late or the pager going off.
- people think you're rich because "your husband is a doctor." (See #1)
- you wish that college had only been 7 years. Shut up, Richard...
- a medical procedure has been done at your kitchen table.
- you only get food from the "nice" restaurants when Hubby brings it home in a doggy bag from one of those drug rep dinners.
- you wake up in the middle of the night to find his side of the bed empty...and it doesn't phase you.
- you zone out when Hubby starts "talking shop" with one of his friends.
- you find pictures of nasty wounds and infections on his phone.
- the kids complain about an ailment and you say, "Just have Dad look at it when he gets home."
- your Hubby takes the kids on a "date" to the hospital cafeteria.
What would you add to the list? ;)
Might be linking up with: Craft-O-Maniac, C.R.A.F.T, I Should Be Mopping The Floor, More the Merrier Monday, Make the Scene Monday,Serendipity and Spice, Home Stories A to Z, Titus 2 Tuesday, Take It On Tuesday, What We Wore, Read, and Made Wednesdays, The DIY Dreamer, House of Hepworths, Mom on Timeout,Pinterest Power Party, My Favorite Finds, Weekend Wonders, My Turn For Us, Fancy This Friday, Sew Crafty Angel , Friday Favorites, Sunday FUNday,