Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Summer Fun Schedule - Free Printable!

Hi! It's Jilly. My kids don't get out of school for TWO more weeks! Crazy, I tell ya! But, when they do (finally) get out, I want to be prepared!

I've decided we are going to do "school-ish" stuff and chores first thing every morning. The "school-ish" stuff will be a) read for 20 minutes b) do a math worksheet and c) write in your journal. I'll provide journal questions to answer every day.

After they get all that stuff out of the way, I want to have FUN! I need to be more of a fun mom!

SO, I whipped up this Summer FUN Schedule for us to follow. I'm super excited about it!

Summer FUN Schedule from Hi! It's Jilly

Feel free to print this puppy out and slap it on your fridge!

You might be wondering what the Field Trip is. Well, while we are living on the East Coast I want to see as much of it as possible! So, on Fridays we will go on a field trip, either to a local museum, zoo, etc OR visit a city not too far away and possibly spend the night! We live only an hour's drive from Ithaca, Syracuse, and Scranton (check out Dunder-Mufflin. Hee hee!). And, we're only a few hours from NYC, Philadelphia, Boston, Albany, Rochester, Atlantic City, etc. There are SO many awesome places to see! Aaah! Can't wait!! 

Now we just have to make it through the last two weeks of school! ;)

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