Friday, August 23, 2013

Back to School -- for MEEEEE!!

Hi! It's Jilly. Guess what?! I'M GOING BACK TO SCHOOL!! Whoa, right?! I am only 9 credits away from earning my Bachelor's degree in Music, and I'm FINALLY going to finish!

Back in 2008 I had everything all set up to graduate. I had been attending Utah Valley University (well, it was UVSC then), and we decided to move to Texas so my hubby could get Texas residency for med school. (Med school is WAY cheaper there!) We also wanted to move there to be close to my family, since my Dad had cancer and we didn't know how much longer he had. We wanted the kids to get to know him and I wanted to be near him.

Detailed map of Texas, USA

So, I registered for online classes, found a voice teacher in Texas and got her approved through the Music Dept at UVU...all that jazz. I was going to graduate!

But, two weeks after we moved to Texas my Dad took a turn for the worse and ended up in the hospital. They told us that we could either care for my Dad at home, or he would need to go to a nursing home-type place. Of course we chose to bring him home! Because my mom had to work and my younger siblings were all in school, the bulk of my Dad's care fell to Hubby and I. We moved in with my parents, since someone had to be there with Dad 24/7.

At the time my triplets were three. They were going crazy because they didn't have any of their stuff, since all our stuff was in storage at the house we bought & had started remodeling. They resorted to getting into my sisters' nail polish and candy stashes. Oh, and they couldn't go play outside very much because of the fire ants. So, it was Disney Junior all. the. time. Oy.

Needless to say, it was a stressful time. There were many blessings along the way, and it was very fortunate that we were able to be there during that time. But, it didn't leave me much time to do schoolwork or work on my voice lesson music!

A couple months after my Dad came home he passed away. We knew it was time. He was in so much pain, and his dementia because of the tumors was getting so bad. Although it was sad to see him go, we knew it was for the best. And, we know we will see him again, which is very comforting!

After my Dad passed away I couldn't sing. I would open my mouth, but nothing wanted to come out. It's hard to have a voice lesson or perform in a recital if you can't sing! My online classes suffered, too I *think* I was able to eek out a passing grade in one of my classes. But, the others? Fugetaboutit!

A few months later we moved to Arizona for podiatry school. That's another crazy story! Another time, perhaps. ANYway, there's no way in heck I could have taken classes while Hubby was in med school! Now that we've been in residency a year I feel like it's time! The kids are in school now, and I just neeeed to finish my degree!! I plan to complete the credits I need this semester, then apply for graduation. Woooooohooooo!! Wish me luck!!

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