Monday, September 30, 2013

Caramel Pecan Cream Cheese Pie from Cornerstone Confessions

Hi! It's Jilly. Today's delicious recipe comes from Kathy at Cornerstone Confessions. I love linking up with her Titus 2 Tuesday linky party, so I was giddy when she agreed to participate in the Fall In Love With Fall Series! She's speaking my language with this awesome cheesecake recipe! Let's check it out!

If there is one thing I will break my diet for every time, its cheesecake.  I love me some cheesecake.  But making it can take a lot of time and work.  Thus, I’d often rather take a trip to the Cheesecake Factory to pick up a few of my favorite slices than bake it, which is probably good for my diet because that would require a bit of a travel. 

However, I have recently grown quite fond of this Caramel Pecan Cream Cheese Pie recipe because…

1)  It’s cheesecake!
2) It’s easy and fast to make!
3) It’s virtually a no bake recipe!

Besides all that I really like the caramel pecan topping.  It reminds me so much of fall and the picking of pecans in my parent’s backyard.  All that to say, if you love pecans and you love cheesecake, then this recipe is for you, but be forewarned–you may have trouble stopping with just one piece.  Enjoy!

Caramel Pecan Cheese Pie from Cornerstone Confessions. Part of the Fall In Love With Fall Series at Hi! It's Jilly. #recipe #fall #dessert

Caramel Pecan Cream Cheese Pie

1/4 c. pecans, chopped
1/8 c. flaked coconut
1 tbsp. butter, melted
8 oz. cream cheese, softened
½ c. confectioner’s sugar
8 oz. Cool Whip
1 graham cracker crust
Caramel Ice Cream Topping

In a small bowl combine the pecans, coconut, and butter. Pour into a small baking dish.  Bake at 375 degrees for 5 to 10 minutes or until golden, stirring occasionally.  Cool.
In a separate bowl, beat cream cheese and sugar until smooth.  Fold in Cool Whip.  Pour cream cheese mixture into graham cracker crust.  Sprinkle with coconut mixture.
Refrigerate 2 hours.  Drizzle with caramel just before serving.  Serves 8.

Kathy GossenKathy Gossen is a developing domestic diva drawing on the divine who writes about her domestic adventures on Cornerstone Confessions.  She’s a child of God, a wife, a homeschool mom of two, a daughter, a friend, a sister, an undercover organizer, a musician and an aspiring techie who is learning what it means to apply God’s Word in the everyday.  She prays her life song sings of her love for her Lord and hopes to encourage others along the way.

Oh man! That looks so fancy, and so easy to make! Thanks for sharing your recipe with us!

What a wonderful end to our Fall In Love With Fall Series! I loved it so much, and appreciate all the awesome bloggers who contributed! To catch all the posts in the series, click that cute little button below! Tomorrow I will be posting a link party where you can link up YOUR favorite Fall projects and recipes!
Fall In Love With Fall Series full of great Fall projects & recipes on Hi! It's Jilly. #fall #series

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