I had the kids' supplies and stuff, but that's about it. Last night we were scrambling to find the "right" outfits for the kids to wear on their first day. I had to dig through the closets trying to find something. Good thing I hoard clothes when they go on clearance, eh?
Every year before school starts Hubby gives the kids a father's blessing. I got one every year from my father when I was growing up, and I love continuing the tradition with our family. I love to hear what our Father in Heaven has to say to each one of my children individually. It is so neat.
This morning wasn't too rushed. I had to remind one of the kids to get their shoes on, etc several times, but that's normal. Everything else went swimmingly.
Last school year the bus picked the kids up right in front of our apartment building, but this year they have to walk down the street a little ways to catch the bus. I talked to the bus driver this morning and told him that last year they picked the kids up in front of our apartment, and asked if he could do that this year. He said he wasn't in charge, and we'd have to bring it up with the bus barn.
One of the moms/grandmas? who was out there waiting with all the kids to catch the bus this morning was smoking a cigarette! I was, like, "Hello?! There are a bunch of KIDS here!" I mean, I didn't say anything, of course (non-confrontational), but...yeah.
I told Hubby about it and said, "If that is going to be a common occurrence I will definitely want to call and see if the kids can get picked up at our place!" I mean, just give all the kids cancer, will ya?!
He said he will call the bus barn between patients today. Daddy saves the day! Ha ha!