Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Co-Hosting the Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop! Link up your projects!

Hi! It's Jilly. Guess what?! I'm co-hosting the Thursday Favorite Things blog hop today! Yay! This hop has always been a great resource to me. SO many fantastic projects are linked up every week! It's also a great way to find awesome new blogs to follow. Loooove it!

And, after you link up your project or recipe to the Thursday Favorite Things hop, feel free to link up any Fall-inspired post over here, where I'm celebrating the end of my Fall In Love With Fall series!

SO, let's get started with the Thursday Favorite Things hop! Take it away Katherine...

Katherines Corner Blog Hop Hostesses small.jpg

Its Time For Thursday Favorite Things! Thursday favorite things is where you can link your favorite post or write a post about your favorite things and share it with old and new followers. You gain visibility for your blog ( it posts on three blogs) and you make bloggy friends too!
Please share the hop with your readers and let Katherine know if you would like to co-host.

Here are the rules, yes there are rules. But just a few:

Please DO NOT link and run...visit a few of the wonderful blogs that are sharing at the hop.
Follow your hostesses Katherines Corner, Sew Crafty Angel And Me let us know if you are a new follower.
Visit as many blogs in the list as you can. Please leave a comment and let them know you are hopping over from the Thursday Favorite Things hop!
Share the button or a linklback on your post. Grab the hop button code from Katherines button page a Link back to Katherines Corner is always appreciated but is not mandatory
No adult content blogs or links directly to your shops please ( they will be removed)
Yes you can link giveaways ( they are everyone's favorite thing) Add your giveaways to the Win It Page at Katherines Corner too!
Have fun and link up below.