Thursday, October 17, 2013

DIY Costume: The Dread Pirate Roberts from The Princess Bride

Hi! It's Jilly. Lately my kids have been OBSESSED with The Princess Bride. Like, crazy obsessed. So, they decided to all be characters from the movie for Halloween.

Michael is going to be Westley, aka the Dread Pirate Roberts. He's been pestering me for at least two weeks about putting together his costume. As you wish. ;)

DIY Dread Pirate Roberts Costume for all you Princess Bride fans out there! From Hi! It's Jilly. #halloween #costume #theprincessbride

His costume was SO stinkin' easy to put together! Definitely a great costume choice!

What You Need:
A black dress shirt. Any long sleeved, collared shirt will do.
Black pants or leggings. Michael is wearing a pair of the girls' black leggings. (Shh...don't tell.)
Black boots. Are you sensing a theme here?
A black bandana, or a piece of black fabric. A "doo-rag" would work, too.
A black eye mask. I got mine from Joann's for, like, one or two dollars.
A black belt. (Not the karate kind, silly) Michael is wearing one of my skinny belts. Ha!
A sword. One with a sheath/scabbard is preferrable.
A fake mustache, or some brown or black eyeliner to draw one on.

An easy DIY Dread Pirate Roberts Costume for all you Princess Bride fans out there! From Hi! It's Jilly. #halloween #costume #theprincessbride

I'm not going to do a "tutorial", 'cause it's pretty self-explanatory. All these things can be found either in your closet, at the thrift shop, at a craft store, the dollar store, or can be borrowed from a friend. I love swapping accessories with friends at Halloween!

An easy DIY Dread Pirate Roberts Costume for all you Princess Bride fans out there! From Hi! It's Jilly. #halloween #costume #theprincessbride

There you have it, folks. One Dread Pirate Roberts, ready to sail the high seas, fight off ROUS's in the Fire Swamp, and save Princess Buttercup!

And now...more pictures! Aah! I love 'em!

An easy DIY Dread Pirate Roberts Costume for all you Princess Bride fans out there! From Hi! It's Jilly. #halloween #costume #theprincessbride

"Mom, remember that time when his sword got stuck in the ground and he picked it up like this?"

An easy DIY Dread Pirate Roberts Costume for all you Princess Bride fans out there! From Hi! It's Jilly. #halloween #costume #theprincessbride

Seriously the cutest Dread Pirate Roberts ever! Sorry, Cary Elwes.

An easy DIY Dread Pirate Roberts Costume for all you Princess Bride fans out there! From Hi! It's Jilly. #halloween #costume #theprincessbride

What are YOU going to be for Halloween? 

Are you following me on Facebook or Twitter yet? Well, you should. It'll be awesome!
