Thursday, October 24, 2013

DIY Inigo Montoya Costume from The Princess Bride

Hi! It's Inigo Montoya Jilly. Last week I showed you Michael's Dread Pirate Roberts costume, which I am in love with. Now you get to see Katelynn's Inigo Montoya costume!

DIY Inigo Montoya Costume from The Princess Bride at Hi! It's Jilly. #costume #halloween #princessbride

This costume was super easy, too. What you need:

Brown pants or leggings
Brown or beige collared shirt (this is a women's size 2 shirt!)
Brown vest (also from the women's dept)
Brown belt
Brown boots
A sword, to kill the Six-Fingered man with.
A mustache, or brown eyeliner/facepaint to draw one on

DIY Inigo Montoya Costume from The Princess Bride at Hi! It's Jilly. #costume #halloween #princessbride

I found everything I needed at The Salvation Army, except the boots and belt. If the shirt and vest are a little big it's okay, since they will be belted. The belt is one of Hubby's old belts. Ha ha! Oh, and I guess we had the sword already. It was a gift from Grandma on our last Disneyland trip.

DIY Inigo Montoya Costume from The Princess Bride at Hi! It's Jilly. #costume #halloween #princessbride

I'm lovin' her costume. She even has the curly hair like Inigo! It cracks me up that this is the character she chose to be. How many eight year-old girls do you know that want to be Inigo Montoya for Halloween?!

DIY Inigo Montoya Costume from The Princess Bride at Hi! It's Jilly. #costume #halloween #princessbride

I will be finishing Emma's Princess Buttercup costume soon. You can see a sneak peek on Instagram. I just got disctracted making my Chocolate Drizzled Halloween Oreo Popcorn and didn't work on her costume!

Make sure you're following me on Facebook or Pinterest so you don't miss seeing Princess Buttercup! 
