Tuesday, October 15, 2013

What is it like to have triplets?

Hi! It's Jilly. People ask me all the time--what is it like to have triplets?

"What's it like to have triplets?" | Hi! It's Jilly

 Well, the answer is...I don't know! 

"What's it like to have triplets?" | Hi! It's Jilly

Number 1, having triplets is all I've ever known. I've never had just one kid at a time. What is it like to have a "singleton"? How would you answer that question?

"What's it like to have triplets?" | Hi! It's Jilly

Number 2, I don't think of myself as a triplet mom. That might sound really weird, but it's the truth. Some triplet moms are really into their "triplet mom status". Every time you talk to them it's "triplets this" and "triplets that". I don't think I'm that way. At least, I hope not. If I am, please tell me!

"What's it like to have triplets?" | Hi! It's Jilly

I just think of myself of a mom of three kids...who happen to have been born at the same time. They all have such different personalities. And, they aren't identical at all, so they don't necessarily look like triplets.

I mean, they are three different people, so of course they have different personalities. But, that's not something people always think about when they think about triplets. They think the kids should be exactly the same. Well, just because they were "womb-mates" for 33 1/2 weeks doesn't mean they will look and act the same!

"What's it like to have triplets?" | Hi! It's Jilly

It is fun to see them interact with each other, though. They come up with the funniest things! It will be interesting to see the dynamics of their relationships when they are teenagers, and when they are grown and have children of their own.

I hope they remain close and can always be each others' best friends. That is one of my greatest wishes and hopes!

"What's it like to have triplets?" | Hi! It's Jilly

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