Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Doctors and the Great Outdoors

Hi! It's Jilly. One day we were rollerblading and I was thinking about how we like to do a lot of things outdoors as a family. Most of our friends who are doctors also like outside recreation. Why is that?

Well, I think I've come up with the reason...because it's CHEAP!! Yes, being outside is good for you, you're getting exercise, blah blah blah. BUT, when you are in school for over a decade, up to your ears in debt, and living on student loans, you need some forms of recreation that aren't going to break the bank!

Hiking- FREE!

Why Do Doctors Love the Great Outdoors...because it's CHEAP! Ha ha! : Hi! It's Jilly

Rollerblading- FREE, after a small investment!

Why Do Doctors Love the Great Outdoors?? Because it's CHEAP! Ha ha! : Hi! It's Jilly

Swimming- CHEAP!

Why Do Doctors Love the Great Outdoors?? Because it's CHEAP! Ha ha! : Hi! It's Jilly

Camping- CHEAP!

Why Do Doctors Love the Great Outdoors?? Because it's CHEAP! Ha ha! : Hi! It's Jilly

Fishing- CHEAP!

Why Do Doctors Love the Great Outdoors?? Because it's CHEAP! Ha ha! : Hi! It's Jilly

Playing at the park- FREE!

Why Do Doctors Love the Great Outdoors?? Because it's CHEAP! Ha ha! : Hi! It's Jilly

Playing at the beach- FREE!

Why Do Doctors Love the Great Outdoors?? Because it's CHEAP! Ha ha! : Hi! It's Jilly

Golfing- Uh, never mind...

Why Do Doctors Love the Great Outdoors?? Because it's CHEAP! Ha ha! : Hi! It's Jilly

What's your favorite thing to do in the Great Outdoors?

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