Monday, November 4, 2013

Halloween Candy Buy Back

Hi! It's Jilly. Are you tired of the kids, and yourself, grazing on Halloween candy and are ready to get that candy out of the house?! Well, one option is to donate it to the troops serving in the Middle East. It's called Halloween Candy Buyback.

Happy Halloween Pic

Every year dentists all over the country collect candy and send it overseas. In exchange for your donation they give you a reward, like prizes, restaurant gift certificates, or even cash! We've done this a couple of times. One year we got little prizes and another year we got certificates for a free kid's meal at Red Robin!

So, if you're ready to rid yourself of the post-Halloween candy coma, find a dentist participating in the Halloween Candy Buyback and donate it to the troops!

You can visit the Hallowen Candy Buyback website or Facebook page to find a dentist, or you can call your dentist and ask if they are participating, since not all dentists are registered on the site. If your dentist doesn't participate, maybe you can suggest it to them! Or, you can organize your own buyback! Visit Operation Gratitude for more details.

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