Friday, November 22, 2013

Handmade Kid Gift Ideas

Hi! It's Jilly. Back in August I was able to guest post for my friend Kim at Bugaboo, Mini, Mr, and Me. Kim and I have been friends since high school, and I've always loved her creative self! She was hosting her 2nd Annual Gift It! Series, so I was thrilled to participate! (Here's a link to my contribution to last year's Gift It! Series. Thanks for asking! ;) )

I found some great handmade gift ideas, and now that Christmas is sneaking up on us I thought it would be great to share these fun finds with you guys here at Hi! It's Jilly.

Here is a round-up of fun and easy gifts YOU can make that the kids will love AND that won't break the bank!

Printable Sewing Card Activity For Kids

Printable Sewing Cards from Handmade Charlotte. Add some colorful embroidery thread and some needles and you're good to go!

Handmade Superhero Masks from Cutesy Crafts. What little boy wouldn't love these?! She even includes a free template for you. Holy nice, Batman! (Sorry. I couldn't resist.)

Magnetic Me from Creative Juice. How fun is that?! And, the Mom will love you, since this will keep their kid quietly entertained for hours. 

DIY Doodle Book with FREE Printables. Your kids will love them!

DIY Doodle Book from Hi! It's Jilly. Yes, it's my own, but they are so, so easy and fun. Add a pack of crayons or markers and you're done.

Mix and Match Alien Magnets from Fireflies and Jellybeans. I think these little aliens are so cute! You can print out the aliens and let your child color them for their friend. They will be so proud to give this gift!

Super Hero Fort Kit from Meg + Andy. All kids love to make forts, and the moms will appreciate this gift, because their kids won't be digging out her nice sheets and blankets anymore! The glow sticks are a great idea!

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Disney Princess Finger Puppets from Made It On Monday. Aah! How cute are these?! She includes a free printable template, making this gift extra easy to make!

I hope one of these ideas helps you make a fun and cost-effective gift for the littles in your life this holiday season!

200x200 HIJ Headshot 2012Jillian Robertson is the mom of eight-year-old triplets and the wife of a podiatry resident. She is the author of the blog Hi! It’s Jillywhere she shares crafts, recipes, useful tips, and entertaining anecdotes.  In her “spare” time she enjoys singing and playing the piano, crafting, planning parties for friends, and watching way too much Food Network & HGTV. You can find her on FacebookTwitterPinterestInstagramand Google+