Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Merry Christmas!

Hi! It's Jilly. Just sharing a few items of "business" before signing off till the new year!

#1- The winner of our Urban Infant giveaway has been chosen! Abby H, you are a lucky ducky! If you didn't win, you can still pick up a cute headband or bowtie for the little gal or guy in your life from Urban Infant. The prices are great, and the accessories are adorbs. *nudge, nudge. wink, wink*

 Black and White Chevron Bow Tie  Brown and Tan Bow Tie  Blue Chevron Headband

#2- This last year I've been the travel contributor over at My Favorite Finds, which has been a great experience! If you don't follow her blog, you totes should. She always posts such great stuff! She's sweet, too. Check out this care package she sent me yesterday!

Photo: What a pleasant surprise! Got this #happymail from Carrie at My Favorite Finds, where I've been contributing travel posts this last year. #loveit #sosweet

Next year I will be starting a new feature as the travel contributor on My Favorite Finds- City Spotlight! More info about that will be coming along soon.

#3- Also next year I will be taking on a few contributors here at Hi! It's Jilly! So, if you are interested in contributing on a monthly basis to this here blog, let me know. You can be my specialist for recipes, home decor, crafts, or any other fun thing you know stuff about that you'd like to share with my readers! :) I will have a page dedicated to my contributors, and will also be supportive of your posts on your own blog. Lemme know!


Tomorrow is Christmas! Whoa! Can't believe it! I'm excited, even though I still have quite a bit to do before tomorrow morning. Yikes! Isn't that the life of a mom, though?! We're having a nice little Christmas at home, and are having the sister missionaries plus one of Scott's co-residents over for Christmas dinner. The kids are super excited about having them over. I got all three of them stockings full of loot since they are away from home for the holidays. Shhh...don't tell! ;)

We will also get a chance to Skype with my sister who is serving a mission in Brazil right now. Woot! She's been in Brazil since October, and can only check her email once a week. No phone calls. So, it will be awesome to chat with her!

On Friday we are leaving for Chicago! We are meeting my Mom and three of my sisters there. (How many sisters do you HAVE, Jilly?! Six. I have six sisters. And one brother. Ha ha! Moving on...) We will be hanging out in Chicago till the 2nd, and will drive up to Milwaukee one of the days to see Les Mes! Wooooo!! SUPER excited about that! "Do you hear the people sing..."

So, I will not be blogging until sometime in January, because spending time with my fam is the most important thing! I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and a happy New Year! Peace out.

Merry Christmas - I blog on the side (Family, Faith & Friends come first).  See you after Christmas!

P.S. - I will probably still post stuff on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, and play around on Pinterest, so if you miss me you can find me there. Ciao!