In Julia's shop she sells the cuuuutest baby bowties and headbands. And, the price is unreal. All her headbands and bowties are $5.50, which includes FREE shipping. Amazing, right?! You can't go wrong with one of these sweet bowties or headbands. It makes me sad that I don't have any more babies. *sadface* She said she can size them for older kids though, so that makes me happy, happy, happy! Btw, who watches Duck Dynasty?! Totally love it! Ha! ANYway, let's get back to talking about cute kid accessories.

Julia has offered to GIVE AWAY one of her adorable headbands or bowties to one of my lucky readers! Yesssss! SO awesome! Just use the Rafflecopter widget below and enter to win! But, I would go ahead and buy a couple now so you're sure to get them before Christmas if I were you. ;)
a Rafflecopter giveaway