Monday, January 27, 2014

Finish This...

Hi! It's Jilly. I've been wanting to post more "real" stuff on the blog, but I'm always afraid it will be boring or I'm not sure what to share. So, when I saw this great link-up being co-hosted by my gal Jen from The Arizona Russums, I knew it would be a great fit!

It's called "Finish This". Each week you are given a few sentences to finish. That's it! I think it will be such a fun way to infuse more Jilly, Hubby, and Triplets into the blog! we go!

1. A typical day in my life...involves rushing the kids out of the house in the morning, spending way too much time on the computer when I should be cleaning the house or some other 'homemaker-y' thing, then doing homework with the kiddos, making dinner, family prayer and scripture study, bedtime for kiddos, then watch TV after the kids go to bed. Some nights Hubby and I run on the treadmill while watching one of "our" shows, since we're training to do a half-marathon. Things will be changing dramatically next week though, because I'm going back to school!!

2. You'll never see a liquor store! I'm Mormon, so we don't drink alcohol. When we were moving from Arizona to New York I'd heard that shipping boxes for wine were great for packing things in, and I could barely handle grabbing the boxes from the liquor department at the grocery store because I felt soooo out of place! Ha!

3. If I could buy one thing right now, it would be...probably plane tickets! We haven't been able to visit Hubby's family in a long time, so I long to go to Oregon and see them! My in-laws are awesome!

4. I have high expectations for...hmmm...This is a tricky one! Is this supposed to be tricky?! Aaah...
I guess I have high expectations for life after residency. I dream about finding a place to settle down, buying a house again, and putting down some roots!