I think Layla at The Lettered Cottage explained it the best. She said it is "one word that has the potential to inspire you and create intention in your life".
The word I've chosen is...wait for it... PREPARE.
I feel that being prepared is so important for me in so many areas of my life. I tend to let life happen to me and live in "fire extinguish" mode, rather than preparing ahead of time and doing the things I know I need to do. The word PREPARE can be applied in different ways, too.
At Home:
Often I let the house slip and do the bare minimum (or less) to survive. If I prepare my home by staying on top of housework, decluttering, and organizing, I will have less anxiety and will be ready for whatever comes my way, whether it's a friend stopping by unannounced, a spontaneous playdate, or an emergency.
At School:
The end of this month I am going back to school to finish up my Bachelor's degree. I have always been a procrastinator, but this time I can not let that happen! I have three kids to take care of, AND my husband will be gone for work half the semester. I need to be prepared for class, and do my homework right away.
I know God lives and have a testimony of the Savior. I'm very active in my church, and we have family scripture study every night. But, I need to do more. I need to seek out a stronger and deeper relationship with my Father in Heaven and His Son. I need to be prepared spiritually so I can be strong to weather the storms of life. I am going to make a greater effort to have personal scripture study daily, and will start by studying all the places the word "prepare" is found in the scriptures.
Have you made any New Years Resolutions, or chosen a "word of the year"? I'd love to hear it! Comment below and share it with us!
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