Monday, March 3, 2014

School Picture Déjà Vu

Hi! It's Jilly. On Friday the kids brought home their school pictures. I didn't buy any, of course. It was just the free collage of their class that they send every year.

When looking at Michael's picture we realized that he wore the exact. same. shirt in his picture last school year!! 

The evidence...

Last year's pic

This year's pic 
(Don't worry Lifetouch. I'm not scalping your photos. This is for demonstrative purposes only.)

Uhm...I guess he must really like that shirt. Ha ha! 

Blame it on the fact that I never know or care when school pictures are. I'm not paying those crazy prices x 3! I'd rather put that money towards a family photo shoot outside...or a vacation! ;)

When I noticed the repeat shirt Michael said, "I know! I did it on purpose!" 

Silly kids...

Any great school picture stories to tell? Share them in the comments! And follow me on Facebook, Instagram, or Pinterest for more from my crazy crew!