Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Finish This...

Hi! It's Jilly. Time for this week's "Finish This". Let's see what sentences I have to finish today!

My favorite vacation spot is... 

I pretty much like to go anywhere on vacation, but somewhere near the beach or a lake is awesome. I love the feel of the coast and looking out over the water. There's something thrilling about it. We're going to Baltimore for Spring Break, and I can't wait to hang out at the Inner Harbor!

If I won a million dollars I would... 

Ha ha! My husband and I actually talk about this all the time. It's fun to dream about what you would do. If I won a million dollars, first I would pay off hubby's student loans, then save the rest to buy a house on a decent sized piece of property wherever we "land" after residency.

If I found a genie in a bottle, my three wishes would be...

Hmmm...this is a hard one! Do I ask for the things I would do with the million dollars?! Do I wish for other, non-tangible things?! I don't know! It's such a tricky question. Then there's the issue of how you word the wishes. For example, if I wished to get rid of my habit of yelling at my kids, what if they were in danger and I literally couldn't yell to them because of my wish? Or if you wish for money, what about inflation? I just can't decide.

My favorite clothing item is...

My first instinct was to say flip flops, but my feet in recent years have decided those are not great for me. Lately I've been loving cardigans. And jeans are a staple I can't do without!