Tuesday, May 27, 2014

#Ad: Quick Breakfast Ideas with Tyson Day Starts

I am a member of the Collective Bias®  Social Fabric® Community.  This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper amplification for Collective Bias and its advertiser. #CollectiveBias

Hi! It's Jilly. Have you ever had to get three nine year-olds ready for school in the morning?! Well, it's crazy. We're always running out the door to (hopefully) catch the bus. So, we need some easy, healthy and quick breakfast ideas!

#ad Tyson Day Starts are great for those busy mornings you're rushing to get on the bus! #StartWithTyson #collectivebias

Since we got home late last night from the lake I knew the kids would be hard to get up for school this morning. So, I ran to Walmart and picked up some Tyson Day Starts. #StartWithTyson
#ad Tyson Day Starts are great for those busy mornings you're rushing to get on the bus! #StartWithTyson #collectivebias

They are fast and easy to make, so I can toss them in the microwave while I'm making lunches, finding missing shoes, and telling people to get out of the shower!

#ad Tyson Day Starts are great for those busy mornings you're rushing to get on the bus! #StartWithTyson #collectivebias

And, they are portable, so the kids can eat them while waiting for the bus. It was nice for them to have something healthier than a sandwich bag of cereal. Ha ha!

The Day Starts Sausage, Egg, and Cheese Biscuit Sandwiches are made with reduced fat sausage, real eggs, and have the all the protein you need to start the day off right.

#ad Tyson Day Starts are great for those busy mornings you're rushing to get on the bus! #StartWithTyson #collectivebias
#ad Tyson Day Starts are great for those busy mornings you're rushing to get on the bus! #StartWithTyson #collectivebias
#ad Tyson Day Starts are great for those busy mornings you're rushing to get on the bus! #StartWithTyson #collectivebias

They made it onto the bus! Phew! The little neighbor boy always likes to follow them to the bus and wave goodbye. He's so cute.

#ad Tyson Day Starts are great for those busy mornings you're rushing to get on the bus! #StartWithTyson #collectivebias

Other quick & portable breakfast ideas for those busy mornings:

  • yogurt with granola
  • toast with peanut butter and banana slices
  • "fruit pizzas"- a bagel with cream cheese and sliced fruit on top
  • fruit smoothies with added protein (nut butter or protein powder)
  • apple slices with peanut butter
  • breakfast burritos - scrambled eggs with salsa wrapped in a tortilla

Stay tuned this week to see part two of my Triplet Pregnancy cliffhanger, and more Harry Potter party prep! You can follow me on Facebook or Pinterest so you don't miss it!

For more info about Tyson Day Starts, you can find them on Facebook or Twitter.