Friday, May 16, 2014

Baltimore: Port Discovery Children's Museum

Thank you Port Discovery for the tickets to review your amazing museum! For more info about reviews, see my disclosure policy.

Hi! It's Jilly. Today I'm excited to tell you about our visit to the Port Discovery Children's Museum  in Baltimore. The kids had SO much fun there! 

Visit Port Discovery Children's Museum in Baltimore, rated one of the TOp 5 children's museums in the US! #portdiscovery #baltimore #family #kids #vacation

When you first walk in there is this HUGE climbing apparatus called Kidworks that spans all three floors of the museum!

Visit Port Discovery Children's Museum in Baltimore, rated one of the TOp 5 children's museums in the US! #portdiscovery #baltimore #family #kids #vacation

You can enter and exit Kidworks on each floor. The upper levels are reserved for older kids. Parents can climb with their kids, and they also have workers stationed throughout to help out. The kids loved it and kept coming back to it over and over again.

Visit Port Discovery Children's Museum in Baltimore, rated one of the TOp 5 children's museums in the US! #portdiscovery #baltimore #family #kids #vacation

Every floor has awesome exhibits for the kids to discover. My girls spent a lot of time in the Tiny Cafe. It was so cute!

Visit Port Discovery Children's Museum in Baltimore, rated one of the TOp 5 children's museums in the US! #portdiscovery #baltimore #family #kids #vacation
As I was talking to another mom at the counter she said, "My kids love it here. Last time we came here (the cafe) my kids were in here for an hour. Places like this are great. The kids have fun, and we get to keep our sanity." I couldn't agree more!

Visit Port Discovery Children's Museum in Baltimore, rated one of the TOp 5 children's museums in the US! #portdiscovery #baltimore #family #kids #vacation

They use every nook and cranny at the museum. They have exhibits tucked in corners and hidden behind closed doors, perfect for discovery and exploration. One of the kids' favorite "hidden" exhibits was Adventure Expeditions, where you travel to Egypt and search for mummy tombs. They had "x-ray" machines so you can look at the bones inside the mummy!

Visit Port Discovery Children's Museum in Baltimore, rated one of the TOp 5 children's museums in the US! #portdiscovery #baltimore #family #kids #vacation

It seemed like every time we turned around there was another cool exhibit. I can see why it's ranked one of the top 5 children's museums in the US!

Visit Port Discovery Children's Museum in Baltimore, rated one of the TOp 5 children's museums in the US! #portdiscovery #baltimore #family #kids #vacation

They also had fun presentations going on, like this science show with Eric Energy. Michael always makes the craziest faces! Ha ha!

Visit Port Discovery Children's Museum in Baltimore, rated one of the TOp 5 children's museums in the US! #portdiscovery #baltimore #family #kids #vacation
The Wonders of Water exhibit was a lot of fun. They even have raincoats and crocs for the kids to wear so they don't get quite as wet.

Visit Port Discovery Children's Museum in Baltimore, rated one of the TOp 5 children's museums in the US! #portdiscovery #baltimore #family #kids #vacation

Visit Port Discovery Children's Museum in Baltimore, rated one of the Top 5 children's museums in the US! #portdiscovery #baltimore #family #kids #vacation

They have several exhibits geared towards babies and toddlers that were really cute. But, we didn't go in them, since my kiddos are eight. 

We got there right after they opened, stayed there all day, and still didn't visit every exhibit! Katelynn said, "Mom, thank you for bringing us here!"

Visit Port Discovery Children's Museum in Baltimore, rated one of the TOp 5 children's museums in the US! #portdiscovery #baltimore #family #kids #vacation

Visiting a place like Port Discovery reminds me that kids have so much potential. There is so much for them to learn. What will they be when they "grow up"? What interests them? Kid friendly museums help them discover their interests and allow them to get excited about science, art, math, and so many other things. I'm SO glad we visited Port Discovery on our trip to Baltimore!

Visitor's Tip: Parking in downtown Baltimore is nuts, and parking garages can be expensive. But, the Harbor Park Garage right next to the museum has a special early bird commuter rate. If you get there before 9 am and leave by 6 pm, it's only $8 for the whole day! You have to park on the roof, but that just gives you a chance to catch the spectacular view of downtown! The museum opens at 9:30, so get parked before 9, take your time getting your bags gathered together, stop at 7-11 next door for donuts, then it's time for the museum to open! Or, if you go on Saturday or Sunday the museum will validate, and parking at Harbor Park is $7.

Visit Port Discovery Children's Museum in Baltimore, rated one of the TOp 5 children's museums in the US! #portdiscovery #baltimore #family #kids #vacation

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