Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Finish This...

Hi! It's Jilly. It's time to play "Finish This". Woo hoo!

Two lessons I learned from my mom... how to be supportive of my husband and kids. While my Dad was in pharmacy school my Mom taught school-- in inner-city Memphis!-- to take care of our family, then worked as a stay-at-home Mom the rest of my childhood. As the oldest child I also learned from my Mom how to care for babies, which came in handy when I ended up with three at the same time!

To burn calories, I... should exercise, but don't do it nearly as much as I should. I need to get into running or something. I have a lot of fun at Zumba and classes like that. And, hiking is always fun.

My best hair day was... probably my wedding day, like Jen said. I'm not super picky about my hair, though. I pretty much just throw some product in it, hairspray it, and go. Or, throw it in a bun or ponytail. Yeah...

I am grateful for... the big three--family, friends, and church. My husband is so good to me, even when I'm being a psycho (which is way too much). He is such a strength to me and we have so much fun together. I've been blessed to make friends all over the country, and I love all of 'em, even if we don't keep in touch very well. And, I don't know where I'd be without my church. I love it!

How would YOU complete these sentences?!

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