Monday, June 30, 2014

Nature Trail Scavenger Hunt - FREE Printable

Hi! It's Jilly. Summer is a great time to go on hikes and explore nature! For Activity Days we went on a nature hike. I wanted it to be a little bit more exciting for the kids, so I typed up a Nature Scavenger Hunt.

Nature Trail Scavenger Hunt - Free Printable. From Hi! It's Jilly #kids #nature #scavengerhunt

 It's a list of things commonly found while hiking. I've uploaded it to Google Docs, so you can easily print it out. There are two lists per page, so just cut it in half and you're good to go. I had the kids mark off with a crayon the things they found along the way.Nature Scavenger Hunt from Hi! It's Jilly. FREE printable!
The kids had a lot of fun and liked looking for all the things on their lists. Granted, some of them were super easy to find, but they didn't seem to mind having a few "freebies". I mean, dirt?! Easy.

Nature Trail Scavenger Hunt - Free Printable. From Hi! It's Jilly #kids #nature #scavengerhunt

It was a beautiful evening for a hike. We love hiking because we are out enjoying God's creations, getting some fresh air and exercise, and it's FREE. Ha ha! Hiking is one of our favorite ways to save money on our family vacations, too. It's so much fun and you get a different perspective on the area.

Do you enjoy hiking? Where is your favorite place to hike?

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