Saturday, October 25, 2014

Laundry Stinks...or Not + Purex Crystals Aromatherapy Giveaway!

The Purex Brand provided me with a sample of Purex Crystals Aromatherapy in exchange for a product review. however, all the opinions are my own. For more info, see my disclosure policy.
Hi! It's Jilly. As you know, we just got back from a two-week long epic road trip. While on our way home we stopped in Chicago and did a speedboat ride in the pouring rain. It was awesome! We had such a great time! But, we got soaked with no way to dry our wet clothes. Actually, I guess we could have dried them at my friend's house in Cleveland when we stopped there, but I totally forgot about the wet clothes in the trunk. Oops!

When we got home we had a bagful of nasty, semi-dry clothes. As you can imagine, they smelled disgusting. Luckily, I had a bottle of the new Purex Crystals Aromatherapy waiting for me to try out. Woot!

It says on the bottle that you can add as much or as little of the Purex Crystals Aromatherapy in the wash as you want. Katelynn was smart enough to figure out there were some lines for measurement on the cap. Ha ha! I didn't catch that. Can I blame tiredness from the trip? ;)

I threw the clothes in the washer and Katelynn added some of the crystals. Not too complicated, which is good for me!
When the clothes came out they smelled soooo good! I was pleasantly surprised by how well the Purex Crystals Aromatherapy worked! I've used them for every load since I got home. Mmmm...

Purex was nice enough to send me three coupons to give one of my lucky readers! Then you can try all three scents--Energy, Well Being, and Serenity. I wish I could keep the coupons for myself! But, I will send them to one of you because I like ya. :)

To enter, all you have to do is comment below with which "flavor" of Purex Crystals Aromatherapy you are excited to try out and your email address so I can contact you. Giveaway ends 10/31/14 at 11:59 pm EST.

Legal stuff: One winner will receive three (3) coupons good for one (1) free Purex Crystals Aromatherapy 18 oz, maximum value $6.00 each. Coupons expire 11/30/14. Winner will be chosen and notified 11/1/14. If winner does not respond within 48 hours, another winner will be chosen.