Wednesday, October 1, 2014

The Orange Rhino's "Yell Less, Love More" Book Review and Giveaway

Hi! It's Jilly...and I'm a yeller. *Gulp* I hate to even say that, but it's true. I come from a long line of yellers. My parents were yellers (Sorry, Mom). Their parents were yellers. I don't know about their parents, but I have a good guess.

When I was younger I swore I would never yell at my kids. I hated it and didn't want that for my kids. Yet, here I am...nine years into the parenting gig and what do I do? Yell.
Review of the new book "Yell Less, Love More" by Sheila McCraith #parenting #book #OrangeRhino

And, just like their mother before them, my kids hate it. They say I'm mean. They ask me why I am yelling at them. They yell back. That is NOT the spirit I want in my home. I want our home to be a place filled with peace, love, and joy. A refuge from the storms of life, not a stormy, non-peaceful place itself.

I knew that something needed to change. Yes, parenting triplets is hard, but that doesn't mean I need to yell all the time. I'd heard about this "Orange Rhino Challenge" thing. A good friend of mine did it and she said the change in her home was miraculous. Well, I needed a miracle. When I saw on Facebook that the "Orange Rhino lady" had written a book and was looking for a few people to review it, I thought to myself, "That could be good. That could be the very thing I need. I'll toss my name in the hat and see what happens".

"Yell Less, Love More: How the Orange Rhino Mom Stopped Yelling at Her Kids...and How You Can Too!!" By Sheila McCraith #parenting #book #orangerhino

When I found out my number had been chosen I was thrilled! The timing couldn't have been more perfect. The morning I received the PDF of the book in my email was our first 'official' day of homeschool! I sat on the couch and ripped through the first 20 pages of the book, bawling my eyes out. It was like she was speaking to me! As I've read more and more of the book I am just so amazed. It's like Sheila and I are twins or something!

The book is a perfect blend of honesty, humor, and encouragement. I love how it is broken down into daily challenges, with lots of tips, fun visuals, and quotes along the way. The little boxes at the beginning and end of each chapter are so helpful when you're a busy mom and just have a second to glance at the book. She also includes in the back a section full of FAQs, Common Triggers and Solutions, and a few "Top Ten" lists.

I'm still on the journey. I haven't completely stopped yelling, but I know it's a process that takes a lot of hard work and I'm happy with the progress I've made so far. Every time I felt like I was "lame" or "sucking at this Orange Rhino thing", I would read the book and she would seriously say "You're not lame" or "You don't suck...this is hard!" Ta daaaaaa! I can DO this!
review of Yell Less, Love More" by Sheila McCraith #parenting #bookreview #OrangeRhino

If you struggle like I do and are looking for a book to bring more peace into your home and your life, and to help you tackle the "yelling monster", you have to get this book! It is one of the best books on parenting I have ever read...and I'm not just saying that because I had a copy given to me. I would run out and buy it! Well, it actually hasn't come out yet, so you can't run out and buy it. BUT, you can pre-order your copy of "Yell Less, Love More" by Sheila McCraith on Amazon right now! The book will be released on October 15th.

AND, guess what...I have the amazing opportunity to give away an autographed copy to one of my lucky readers!! Aaah! Can you even believe it?! That makes me sooo happy! We will also be giving away a little goody bag full of orange stuff to help you remember the Orange Rhino Challenge and keep you on track! The goody bag includes a keychain, nail polish, a stress ball, bracelet, pen, post it notes, napkins, and tic tacs.

I hope you all love the book as much as I do. Hurry and order your copy today! Good luck in the giveaway! And, good luck on your journey!
The Orange Rhino's photo.
a Rafflecopter giveaway