Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Indoor Herb Garden In The Winter + AeroGarden Giveaway!

Thank you #Aerogarden for providing product and/or compensation for this review. All opinions are 100% my own. 
Hi! It's Jilly. Anyone who's been to our apartment knows we like to have plants around. My hubby loves to garden and has one of the greenest thumbs I've ever seen! He has kept a couple poinsettias alive since last Christmas. We still have a little, vine-y houseplant that we bought while living in our first apartment over twelve years ago, and we've moved it with us all over the country! See?! Green thumb.
Win an #Aerogarden and grow fresh herbs indoors all year long! #gardening #ad
A few years ago he found an AeroGarden at a yard sale and was really excited about it. But, it was while he was in med school and he never got it set up. I didn't really know what the heck it was, so I got rid of it. Wrong choice. He was soooo upset! 

So, when I got the opportunity to review an #AeroGarden I was stoked! I may or may not have told my hubby it was his birthday/Christmas present. He says it's just a replacement for the one I got rid of. Ha!

As soon as we got our AeroGarden the kids wanted to set it up right away! It was super easy to set up, and the kids loved helping.
Win an #Aerogarden and grow fresh herbs indoors all year long! #gardening #ad
It's on this timer, so when you set it up all you have do is push a button and the light turns on and off at the right times so that the seeds get the right amount of light! Perfect for our poorly lit apartment! Super easy to water, too.
Win an #Aerogarden and grow fresh herbs indoors all year long! #gardening #ad
And, each plant is in it's own little "pod", so it's not messy. Yay for that!
Win an #Aerogarden and grow fresh herbs indoors all year long! #gardening #ad
The kids are so excited every day to see how much growth there has been! It's been a fun addition to our homeschool.
Win an #Aerogarden and grow fresh herbs indoors all year long! #gardening #adWin an #Aerogarden and grow fresh herbs indoors all year long! #gardening #ad

Want to try one out for yourself?! Well, you're in luck because I get to give an AeroGarden kit to one of you guys! Woot! Use the Rafflecopter below to enter. Good luck!

Prize: AeroGarden product with seed pods, herb infuser, gardening cookbook, berry bowl, & cutting board w/ prep station. Giveaway ends 12/19/14.

a Rafflecopter giveaway