The kids and I drove from New York down to Texas, and we didn't breathe a word to my sister, who I text every day. Ha ha!

We even stopped a couple places on our way, like Mammoth Caves in Kentucky and The Pink Palace Museum in Memphis. It was killing me to not share pictures on Facebook or Instagram, but it would have ruined the surprise!

When we got close to my Mom's house, I texted my Mom to make sure Liz was home. When we got there we rang the doorbell. My Mom said, "Oh, that's probably the Boy Scouts picking up a donation." Then, the kids and I sneaked into the house and sat on the couch in the living room.
When Liz came into the hallway and spied the kids sitting on the couch she was in shock! She couldn't believe it. She was, like, "What are you doing in my house?! Did you drive all the way here?!" It was SO AWESOME!!

Then, a couple days later, two more of my sisters arrived. Liz couldn't believe it. She was completely surprised! It was amazing to have all my siblings together. We haven't all been in the same room for over SEVEN YEARS!! I am so glad we were able to make our awesome surprise happen!
Have you ever surprised a loved one? What did you do? Did they love it?