MAY 26th!?!?!?!?!
Holy cow! I'd better give you guys a little update!
1) We moved from New York to Oregon. Yep. Pretty much the farthest away from New York you could get in the United States...except for Hawaii. We thought about Hawaii, though. Ha ha!
2) Hubby graduated from residency and started his "real" job. He is partnering in a practice, and it's all very exciting and crazy and weird.
4) We did some fun stuff as a family before Hubby started work. We went camping, hiking, and to the beach. It was awesome spending time with extended family that we hadn't seen in a long time!
5) I'm getting everything ready for school to start. This will be our second year homeschooling. We've signed up for a co-op that meets once a week, and I will be teaching the choir class--55 kids!! Aah! I think it will be great, though. We're still trying to decide what extra-curriculars the kids will be doing. Strings, Choir, Horseback Riding, Theater, Gymnastics, Swimming...Phew! It's all a matter of a) how much running around I want to do, and b) money. Blah.
That looks like a good place to stop. I like to end things on fives or zeroes, like when I heat things up in the microwave, adjust the volume on the TV, or pump gas. Oh wait...I don't pump gas anymore. I live in Oregon now. Ha ha!
I plan to start blogging with a bit more regularity now that we're getting settled in. So, hopefully I will have some great new posts for you guys to read soon!!
In the meantime, make sure you're following me on Facebook. I usually post something there everyday. :D