Showing posts with label Halloween. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Halloween. Show all posts

Monday, November 24, 2014

Harry Potter Halloween Costumes + Giveaway

Hi! It's Jilly. I am a bad blogger and never posted about my kids' HALLOWEEN costumes! I even did their little photo shoot several days before Halloween so I could post it "on time". But, I'm lame and I didn't. Life is just so busy sometimes! But, their costumes were so awesome that I can't go without showing them to you!
Family Harry Potter Halloween Costumes

Monday, October 20, 2014

Halloween Home Decor

Hi! It's Jilly. For over a week my daughter Katelynn was begging and begging me to get our Halloween decorations up. She was afraid we would be the last ones with our decorations up. Ha ha! #bloggerkidproblems
Halloween Home my nine-year old! See her creative genius! #halloween #homedecor #decorations

So, I got out our box of "Fall" decor and let her have at it. She did a great job. I only helped a little bit! Not too shabby for a nine-year old!

She added our DIY Sorting Hat from the kids' Harry Potter birthday party to the display.
Halloween Home my nine-year old! See her creative genius! #halloween #homedecor #decorations
The kids had fun drawing silly stuff on our family picture with dry erase markers.
Halloween Home my nine-year old! See her creative genius! #halloween #homedecor #decorations

She put one of the magic wands from the party in the skeleton's hand. I thought that was hilarious!
Halloween Home my nine-year old! See her creative genius! #halloween #homedecor #decorations
It's helpful being married to a podiatrist when decorating for Halloween. Lots of bone models to be had. Ha ha!
Halloween Home my nine-year old! See her creative genius! #halloween #homedecor #decorations
The framed burlap pumpkin we made last year ended up on top of the piano.
Halloween Home my nine-year old! See her creative genius! #halloween #homedecor #decorations

I'm glad Katelynn pushed me to get the Halloween decorations out. The house looks so much more festive now!

Click below to check out how we switched last year from Halloween to Thanksgiving decorations, including a free Thanksgiving printable!
Halloween to Thanksgiving Decor Switch-A-Roo and a FREE printable! From Hi! It's Jilly

Follow me on Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest to see all the fun posts we have coming up!

Friday, November 15, 2013

Halloween to Thanksgiving Decor Switch-A-Roo and FREE Thanksgiving Printable

Hi! It's Jilly. Thanksgiving is sneaking up on us fast. It will be here before we know it! I love decorating for Halloween, but I also like decorating for Thanksgiving. So, what I do when I decorate for Halloween is use a lot of "fall" looking things, like pumpkins and fall leaves, then sprinkle in a few spooky things, like black cats and skeletons. Thanks for the foot bone models, podiatrist hubby!

Halloween to Thanksgiving Decor Switch-A-Roo and a FREE printable! From Hi! It's Jilly

After Halloween I take down the spooky stuff and add in a few "Thanksgiving"ish things.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Halloween Candy Buy Back

Hi! It's Jilly. Are you tired of the kids, and yourself, grazing on Halloween candy and are ready to get that candy out of the house?! Well, one option is to donate it to the troops serving in the Middle East. It's called Halloween Candy Buyback.

Happy Halloween Pic

Every year dentists all over the country collect candy and send it overseas. In exchange for your donation they give you a reward, like prizes, restaurant gift certificates, or even cash! We've done this a couple of times. One year we got little prizes and another year we got certificates for a free kid's meal at Red Robin!

Saturday, November 2, 2013

DIY Princess Buttercup Costume from The Princess Bride

Hi! It's Jilly. This year my kids decided to be characters from The Princess Bride for Halloween. I already shared with you Michael's Dread Pirate Roberts costume and Katelynn's Inigo Montoya costume. I know Halloween is technically over, but I couldn't pass up showing you Emma's Princess Buttercup costume! Just "pin" it for next year. ;)

DIY Princess Buttercup Costume from The Princess Bride from Hi! It's Jilly #costume #buttercup #princessbride #halloween

To make her costume I looked though the women's nightgowns, housecoats, and robes at the Salvation Army to find the perfect thing to craft into her Buttercup dress. Because Buttercup's dress has really flowy, droopy sleeves, I knew that a women's size dress would work.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

DIY Inigo Montoya Costume from The Princess Bride

Hi! It's Inigo Montoya Jilly. Last week I showed you Michael's Dread Pirate Roberts costume, which I am in love with. Now you get to see Katelynn's Inigo Montoya costume!

DIY Inigo Montoya Costume from The Princess Bride at Hi! It's Jilly. #costume #halloween #princessbride

This costume was super easy, too. What you need:

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Chocolate Drizzled Halloween Oreo Popcorn

Hi! It's Jilly. I LOVE Oreos. And, I LOVE popcorn. What could be better than combining the two?! This Chocolate Drizzled Halloween Oreo Popcorn is so easy to put together, and so yummy!

Chocolate Drizzled Halloween Oreo Popcorn from Hi! It's Jilly. SO easy and SO festive! #recipe #chocolate #halloween

1/4 C popcorn kernels
3 TB oil - I prefer coconut, but you can use vegetable or canola
OR 1 bag of microwave popcorn
8-10 Halloween Oreos, crushed
1 C dark chocolate melting wafers
Halloween sprinkles
Salt to taste

Thursday, October 17, 2013

DIY Costume: The Dread Pirate Roberts from The Princess Bride

Hi! It's Jilly. Lately my kids have been OBSESSED with The Princess Bride. Like, crazy obsessed. So, they decided to all be characters from the movie for Halloween.

Michael is going to be Westley, aka the Dread Pirate Roberts. He's been pestering me for at least two weeks about putting together his costume. As you wish. ;)

DIY Dread Pirate Roberts Costume for all you Princess Bride fans out there! From Hi! It's Jilly. #halloween #costume #theprincessbride

His costume was SO stinkin' easy to put together! Definitely a great costume choice!

What You Need:
A black dress shirt. Any long sleeved, collared shirt will do.
Black pants or leggings. Michael is wearing a pair of the girls' black leggings. (Shh...don't tell.)
Black boots. Are you sensing a theme here?
A black bandana, or a piece of black fabric. A "doo-rag" would work, too.
A black eye mask. I got mine from Joann's for, like, one or two dollars.
A black belt. (Not the karate kind, silly) Michael is wearing one of my skinny belts. Ha!
A sword. One with a sheath/scabbard is preferrable.
A fake mustache, or some brown or black eyeliner to draw one on.

An easy DIY Dread Pirate Roberts Costume for all you Princess Bride fans out there! From Hi! It's Jilly. #halloween #costume #theprincessbride

I'm not going to do a "tutorial", 'cause it's pretty self-explanatory. All these things can be found either in your closet, at the thrift shop, at a craft store, the dollar store, or can be borrowed from a friend. I love swapping accessories with friends at Halloween!

An easy DIY Dread Pirate Roberts Costume for all you Princess Bride fans out there! From Hi! It's Jilly. #halloween #costume #theprincessbride

There you have it, folks. One Dread Pirate Roberts, ready to sail the high seas, fight off ROUS's in the Fire Swamp, and save Princess Buttercup!

And now...more pictures! Aah! I love 'em!

An easy DIY Dread Pirate Roberts Costume for all you Princess Bride fans out there! From Hi! It's Jilly. #halloween #costume #theprincessbride

"Mom, remember that time when his sword got stuck in the ground and he picked it up like this?"

An easy DIY Dread Pirate Roberts Costume for all you Princess Bride fans out there! From Hi! It's Jilly. #halloween #costume #theprincessbride

Seriously the cutest Dread Pirate Roberts ever! Sorry, Cary Elwes.

An easy DIY Dread Pirate Roberts Costume for all you Princess Bride fans out there! From Hi! It's Jilly. #halloween #costume #theprincessbride

What are YOU going to be for Halloween? 

Are you following me on Facebook or Twitter yet? Well, you should. It'll be awesome!


Friday, November 2, 2012

It's Weekend Blog Walk Time!

Hi! It's Jilly. Is it seriously Friday?! When holidays are in the middle of the week it always throws me off! Did you go trick-or-treating? It was raining here, so we went trick-or-treating at the mall. You walk from store to store and get candy. NOT as profitable, my friends! It seemed like half the stores ran out of candy early, and you only get one piece of candy per store. 

Oh, well. That's less candy hanging around the house, which is probably a good thing for me! Although, I was planning on having the kids do the Halloween Candy Buyback and donate a bunch of their candy to the troops serving in the Middle East. But, since the kids only got a few pieces that doesn't really work. Perhaps next year.

Now, it's time for the Weekend Blog Walk! Thank you for linking up every week. It's fun to see the growth of the Walk, and the interaction between the participants! If it's your first time on the Walk, Welcome! 

Leave me a comment saying you're a first-timer so I can check out your blog! Of course, you can leave a comment just to say, "Hi!", too. I love me some comments! Without further adieu...Let's get this Blog Walk rollin'!

P.S. -- Today is Jenna from Call Her Happy's birthday! She is one of our lovely co-hosts. So, be sure to visit her and leave her some bloggy love! :D

Weekend Blog Walk

Spread the love- give a shout out with #WeekendBlogWalk, or just hit the Tweet button below:

What is Blog Hop Etiquette anyway? 

Interested in being a Guest-Host?  There is a $10 fee to Guest Host, but reserve your spot now to receive a 30% discount.  Send an email (athometake2 at gmail dot com) to reserve your spot.  Be sure to put Guest Host in the subject line.  This small fee allows us to advertise and promote the Weekend Blog Walk, while offering you a 10 Day Ad Spot on At Home Take 2 and Facebook and Twitter shout outs.

Rules for the Weekend Blog Walk are simple:

1) Follow your Co-Hosts and Guest Hosts (1-6 on the Linky) via GFC, Feedburner, Facebook, Twitter and/or Pinterest. Please leave a comment if you are a new follower.

Jessica from At Home Take 2

Jillian from Hi! It's Jilly.

Jenna from Call Her Happy

Hayley from Hayley's World 

Roni from The Home Payge (Guest Host) 

Allie from Table for More (Guest Host)

Jess from The Empowered Momma (Guest Host)

2) Post our button on your sidebar, or add a link on your Party List. 
3) Hop around and visit at least a few new blogs and meet some new blogging friends.

At Home Take 2

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="At Home Take 2" width="125" height="125" /></a>

Have Giveaways or want to enter? Do that here.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween Costume Flash Back!

Hi! It’s Jilly. Thank you for all your concerns! The storm seems to have passed by us! We are dry and have power! But, we are still praying for those in areas affected more than we were!

I thought it would be fun to look at all the costumes the kids have had since they were babies for (almost) Wordless Wednesday. I showed you some of their past costumes in this post, but it’s fun to see all the costumes from Halloweens past!

* 2005 *
baby snow white halloween costume baby sleeping beauty halloween costume baby woody halloween costume
Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, and Woody. All costumes are from Build-A-Bear Workshop, including Snow White’s wig! (Yes, they were small enough to fit into bear costumes when they were babies!)

* 2006 *
baby triplets in the backseat
All three were spiders, with black knee-highs stuffed with cotton pinned to black onesies. Yeah, I was super tired that year! This is the only picture I got.

* 2007 *
animal halloween costumes from Old Navy
A Zebra, a Kangaroo (with a Joey in the pouch!), and a Pink Poodle! My sister-in-law got these cute costumes for them from Old Navy. They were nice and warm for trick-or-treating in Utah!

* 2008 *
Princesses and a Dinosaur halloween costume
Princesses and a Dinosaur. Boy really wanted to be a giraffe, but I couldn’t find yellow or brown sweats to make his costume anywhere! Luckily we were cruising the aisles at Joann’s a couple days before Halloween and he fell in love with this dinosaur costume. The kids still wear it around the house!!

* 2009 *
princess fairies Halloween costume
pirate trick-or-treating halloween costume
This year we had princess fairies and a pirate. This picture of M cracks me up! “Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate’s life for me…”

* 2010 *
halloween costumes ladybug princess, snow white, radioactive spider
A Ladybug Princess, Snow White, and “The radioactive spider that bit Peter Parker and made him become Spiderman”. Ha ha!

* 2011 *
watermelon fairy halloween costume clown halloween costume pirates halloween costume
A Watermelon Fairy, a Clown, and a Pirate. I love how E’s watermelon leaf headband turned out!

* 2012 *
ladybug ballerina and doctor halloween costume  kid werewolf halloween costume
A Ladybug Ballerina, a Doctor, and a Werewolf. K originally wanted to be Ariel, but changed her mind at the last minute, thank goodness! She loves wearing Daddy’s old white coat and ID badge!

Oh, and I dressed up as Effie Trinket, or just a general Capitol resident. You like?

Effie Trinket Capitol resident Halloween costume
What are you guys doing for Halloween?
Wordless Wednesday Linky Parties:

Monday, October 15, 2012

Decorating for Fall

Hi! It’s Jilly. Sometimes I feel like I’m always 2 or 3 steps behind. I got some fall decorations up a week or two ago, but I’m just now blogging about it!

halloween decorations

Why yes, I DO still have a wedding picture in that picture frame. Hey, I’m lucky to have Halloween decorations up at all, okay?!

halloween decorations2

One of my favorite parts is the “Boo!” pennant banner. A few years ago a few friends and I got together once a month to do a seasonal craft. We each brought all the supplies to do a simple, inexpensive craft. This banner was my contribution. Amazingly it has lasted all these years!

boo banner

I’m afraid you can’t see it very well, but the font I used was “Circus”. It adds a whimsical quality, but is still a little spooky! It’s pretty easy to figure out by looking at it, but if you’d like instructions to make the banner, just shoot me an email at

Hallowen decorations 3
I got that”R” pumpkin on clearance after Thanksgiving at Hobby Lobby for 90% off!! And, the vases were on clearance in the garden dept at Home Depot at the end of summer a couple years ago. You never know where you’re going to find great stuff!

Halloween decorations 4

I love the little black cat. You can put a tealight candle in it and the eyes glow! I love the pumpkin, too. Awesome clearance find at Joann’s one year.


Yes, I went through and picked out all the red, yellow, brown, and orange Pretzel M&Ms. Ridiculous, I know. Hey! Looks like someone’s been eating those! It wasn’t me (this time).

Like the bone? I used some of Hubby’s old foot and leg models from school. Being married to a podiatrist isn’t all bad. ;)

Halloween decorations 5

I got the cauldron from Target last year. It came with some nasty, super sweet drink mix. But, because it had drink mix in it I was able to buy it with food stamps. Sweet!

Over the years while we were in med school I came up with some pretty  creative things to buy that were covered by food stamps because they had food attached. A salad dressing bottle, toys, movie tickets…Maybe I should tell you guys all about it sometime.

The creepy stuff coming out of the cauldron is…CORN SILK! K arranged it herself! Maybe I have a future decorator on my hands. Or, some other profession that involves draping corn silk on caldrons. Hmmm…

I hope you guys enjoyed a little slice of Fall at my house! Follow along on Facebook or Twitter to see more goodies from me!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Halloween Costume Planning- It’s About Time!

Hi! It’s Jilly. Yesterday I looked at the calendar and said, “Yikes!! It’s almost Halloween!! I have NO idea what the kids want to dress up as this year!”

So, I asked the kids. E said right away, “I want to be a ladybug ballerina!” Uhm…what?!?! That kid comes up with something crazy every year. Last year she was a watermelon fairy.

watermelon fairy

Yeah, I didn't know what that was, either.  I had to wing it. (Wing it?! Ha ha ha…) But, every year a tutu of some sort seems to be involved.

Amazingly enough, a ladybug ballerina is ACTUALLY a THING! You learn something new everyday, I guess. I like to make the kids’ costumes every year, so I will be using this costume as my inspiration.

This little tutu is way cute, too.

K always surprises me with her costume choices. Some years she wants to be the same as E, like a couple years ago when they were princess fairies. (I’m seeing a ‘fairy’ trend here…)

princess fairies

This year she decided she wants to be Ariel. That should be easy enough to put together. I’ll fashion some seashells out of felt, and I haven’t decided about the “fins” yet. 

I LOVE this tutorial from Living the Creative Life. It is SO darling, and I think I could actually do it!

M has been a pirate a couple of times. He actually used the same vest and bandanna both years. Ha ha!

 One year he was “The radioactive spider that bit Peter Parker and made him become Spiderman". Where do kids come up with this stuff?! This year he wants to be a  werewolf. And no, I’m not a huge Twilight fan, so that’s not where he got it!

I thought this costume was pretty cool, but I don’t want to buy a costume. Like I said, I like to make them myself.

I love this little homemade werewolf costume. Thrifty and cute. My favorite kind of costume!

Homemade Mini Werewolf Boy Halloween Costume Idea

As I make each costume I will let you in on what I do, so you can have your own ladybug ballerina, Ariel, and werewolf running around your house!

What are YOU and YOUR kids going to be for Halloween?! Spill it in the comments! :)

Follow me on Facebook or Twitter so you don’t miss any upcoming posts!

I might be linking up with these parties, if I have my act together. Ha ha! 


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