Hi! It's Jilly. Carrie, from
My Favorite Finds, nominated me for
two blogger awards- the One Lovely Blog award, AND the Very Inspiring Blog award!! She is one of my new blog buddies, and I'm grateful to her for nominating me! Us multiples mamas gotta stick together! ;)
So, I get to nominate 15 other bloggers and share 7 random things about myself. I had to come up with 7 random things
last week, so hopefully I can come up with 7 more!
But first, the nominees...
*If you were nominated, all you have to do is post seven random things about yourself on your blog, link back to the person who nominated you, and choose fifteen others you admire to nominate. Easy peasy!*









A Resident's Wife 12.



Be sure to check out these fun blogs!
And now, the randomness....
1. I have never broken a bone or gotten stitches (unless you count the stitches from my c-section, which I don't).
2. I had never been to Disneyland or Disneyworld before I married my husband. We went with his family a couple months after we were married. Yes, there were a few awkward moments. That's all I'm gonna say about THAT. Ha ha ha!
3. I am constantly bumping my head on things! Open cabinet doors, the lid to my trunk, the bottom of sinks, my car door... Just the other day I sneezed and banged my head on a door frame and got a nice little goose egg. YesI'mAwesome! (Remember Home Star Runner?! Lol!)
4. Painted fingernails freak me out. I'm fine with them on other people, but I just can't handle it when my own nails are painted. I think they look reeeally dumb. I dunno. Weird.
5. I'm a HUGE Harry Potter fan! Like, a big, big fan. I've read the whole series several times, own all the movies, and even had a party before the midnight showing of Deathly Hallows, Part 1. We dressed up, played trivia games, ate 'magical' treats, and made butterbeer. Then we went to the midnight showing. "Yeah, it's so cool. Yeah, it's totally awesome!"
Posing with our bags of Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans before the movie. I know I look psycho, but that was the best pic I could find! In my defense, it's almost midnight.
6. I'm not a big make-up wearer. On a normal day all I wear is moisturizer, mascara, and chapstick...if anything at all. I usually try to do my make-up for church on Sundays and the occasional special event, though.
7. Movies that make me cry every.stinkin'.time:
It's a Wonderful Life,
Charlie St. Cloud,
The Testaments of One Fold & One Shepherd, Meet the Robinsons,... I even got teary during
The Sound of Music yesterday. I'm such a sap! And I thought
my Mom was crazy when she cried at the end of
Aladdin. Sheesh.
Thanks for reading! It was fun sharing these things with you...even if some of them were slightly embarrassing. To see more randomness and possibly embarrassing things, follow me
here on the blog, on
Facebook, or on
Nominees...I look forward to seeing your posts. Leave me a comment when your post goes up so I can check it out!