Showing posts with label Weekend Blog Walk. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Weekend Blog Walk. Show all posts

Friday, December 28, 2012

Weekend Blog Walk

Hi! It's Jilly. I've been having fun this month with the 31 Days of Christmas Music series. There is so music great Christmas music out there!

But, now it's time for the Weekend Blog Walk! Leave a comment if it's your first time visiting, or if you just want to say "Hi!". If you’re interested in co-hosting, email Jessica at At Home, Take 2.

Spread the love- give a shout out with #WeekendBlogWalk, or just hit the Tweet button below:

What is Blog Hop Etiquette anyway? 

Interested in being a
Guest-Host?  Email to reserve your spot.

Rules for the Weekend Blog Walk are simple:

1) Follow your Co-Hosts (1-3 on the Linky) via GFC, Feedburner, Facebook, Twitter and/or Pinterest. Please leave a comment if you are a new follower.
Jessica from At Home Take 2

Jillian from Hi! It's Jilly.

Jenna from Call Her Happy

2) Post our button on your sidebar, or add a link on your Party List. 

3) Hop around and visit at least a few new blogs and meet some new blogging friends.

At Home Take 2

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="At Home Take 2" width="125" height="125" /></a>

Have Giveaways or want to enter? Do that here.


Friday, December 21, 2012

Weekend Blog Walk!

Hi! It's Jilly. Welcome to the Weekend Blog Walk! This is a busy weekend for everyone, but if you need a few more awesome holiday ideas, or want to do a little 'blog reading therapy', this is the place to be! Link up your blog, Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest below.

OH! And, if you want a $20 voucher for, go HERE to enter my giveaway! It has a low number of entries right now, and I have 25 vouchers to giveaway, so you have a preeeeety good chance at winning one!

Now, on to the Weekend Blog Walk! Who's ready to get a jump-start on the weekend? Let's get hopping!

Spread the love- give a shout out with #WeekendBlogWalk, or just hit the Tweet button below:

What is Blog Hop Etiquette anyway? 

Interested in being a
Guest-Host?  Email to reserve your spot.

Rules for the Weekend Blog Walk are simple:

1) Follow your Co-Hosts (1-3 on the Linky) via GFC, Feedburner, Facebook, Twitter and/or Pinterest. Please leave a comment if you are a new follower.
Jessica from At Home Take 2

Jillian from Hi! It's Jilly.

Jenna from Call Her Happy

2) Post our button on your sidebar, or add a link on your Party List. 

3) Hop around and visit at least a few new blogs and meet some new blogging friends.

At Home Take 2

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="At Home Take 2" width="125" height="125" /></a>

Have Giveaways or want to enter? Do that here.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Weekend Blog Walk!

Hi! It's Jilly. Iiiiiiiiiit's WEEKEND BLOG WALK TIME!! *woooot*

Thanks for linking up every week and telling your friends about the hop. You guys are the marshmallows in my hot chocolate! :)

Please leave a comment, so I know you stopped by! Make sure you are not a dreaded no-reply blogger! Everyone likes replies! :)

While you're here, don't forget to check out my 31 Days of Christmas Music series. We've been listening and learning about lots of fun songs!

Now, let's get blog walkin'!

Spread the love- give a shout out with #WeekendBlogWalk, or just hit the Tweet button below:

What is Blog Hop Etiquette anyway? 

Interested in being a
Guest-Host?  Email to reserve your spot.

Rules for the Weekend Blog Walk are simple:

1) Follow your Co-Hosts (1-3 on the Linky) via GFC, Feedburner, Facebook, Twitter and/or Pinterest. Please leave a comment if you are a new follower.
Jessica from At Home Take 2

Jillian from Hi! It's Jilly.

Jenna from Call Her Happy

2) Post our button on your sidebar, or add a link on your Party List. 

3) Hop around and visit at least a few new blogs and meet some new blogging friends.

At Home Take 2

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="At Home Take 2" width="125" height="125" /></a>

Have Giveaways or want to enter? Do that here.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Weekend Blog Walk- Come One, Come All

Hi! It's Jilly. It's Friday, so that means it's time for the Weekend Blog Walk! Thank you all for linking up every week. It is truly appreciated! Be sure to tell your bloggy buddies about the walk...the more the merrier!

Spread the love- give a shout out with #WeekendBlogWalk, or just hit the Tweet button below:

What is Blog Hop Etiquette anyway? 

Interested in being a
Guest-Host?  Email to reserve your spot.

Rules for the Weekend Blog Walk are simple:

1) Follow your Co-Hosts (1-4 on the Linky) via GFC, Feedburner, Facebook, Twitter and/or Pinterest. Please leave a comment if you are a new follower.
Jessica from At Home Take 2

Jillian from Hi! It's Jilly.

Jenna from Call Her Happy

Azara from Tesseract
2) Post our button on your sidebar, or add a link on your Party List. 

3) Hop around and visit at least a few new blogs and meet some new blogging friends.

At Home Take 2

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="At Home Take 2" width="125" height="125" /></a>

Have Giveaways or want to enter? Do that here.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Weekend Blog Walk!

Hi! It's Jilly. Sorry I didn't get the walk up yesterday! I forgot to schedule it post, and things have been TOTALLY crazy! My sister is in town all week for Thanksgiving. Yay yay!

Photo: #22thankfuldays #day21 I'm thankful my kids have aunts & uncles who love them so much! #blessed #sillykids #lovemyseester #gladshesvisiting
Taken with this fun new app I found, Picibooth.

AND, the kids and I are in a play this weekend! The play is A Gilbert & Sullivan Christmas Carol. It is a really fun show. Here we are rehearsing for the play. We opened last night, and have another showing tonight and tomorrow afternoon.

Photo: #fmsphotoaday #november #day20 Day 20: Work/Play. We are working on our play, which opens Friday night! #gilbertandsullivan #christmascarol #ghosts #cratchitkids
(It says "Day 20" on it because I've been doing the Fat Mum Slim Photo-A-Day Challenge and I grabbed this pic off of my Instagram feed.)

Now, let's get in to the Weekend Blog Walk! Thank you for supporting each other and linking up each week!

Spread the love- give a shout out with #WeekendBlogWalk, or just hit the Tweet button below:

What is Blog Hop Etiquette anyway? 

Interested in being a
Guest-Host?  We are now scheduling for the next 6 weeks.  There is a $10
fee to Guest Host.  Send an email to reserve your spot.  This small fee allows us to advertise and promote the Weekend Blog Walk.

Rules for the Weekend Blog Walk are simple:

1) Follow your Co-Hosts (1-4 on the Linky) via GFC, Feedburner, Facebook, Twitter and/or Pinterest. Please leave a comment if you are a new follower.
Jessica from At Home Take 2

Jillian from Hi! It's Jilly.

Jenna from Call Her Happy

Hayley from Hayley's World

2) Post our button on your sidebar, or add a link on your Party List. 

3) Hop around and visit at least a few new blogs and meet some new blogging friends.

At Home Take 2

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="At Home Take 2" width="125" height="125" /></a>

Have Giveaways or want to enter? Do that here.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Weekend Blog Walk- Link Up

Hi! It's Jilly. SO great to have you joining us on the Weekend Blog Walk! We appreciate you die-hards that link up every week, and love seeing new faces! Be sure to leave a comment after you link up so I can thank you personally!

Let's get this Blog Walk on the road!

Weekend Blog Walk

Spread the love- give a shout out with #WeekendBlogWalk, or just hit the Tweet button below:

What is Blog Hop Etiquette anyway? 

Interested in being a Guest-Host?  We are now scheduling for the next 6 weeks.  There is a $10 fee to Guest Host.  Send an email to reserve your spot.  This small fee allows us to advertise and promote the Weekend Blog Walk.

Rules for the Weekend Blog Walk are simple:

1) Follow your Co-Hosts and Guest Hosts (1-6 on the Linky) via GFC, Feedburner, Facebook, Twitter and/or Pinterest. Please leave a comment if you are a new follower.
Jessica from At Home Take 2

Jillian from Hi! It's Jilly.

Jenna from Call Her Happy

Hayley from Hayley's World 

Myranda from Pretty Living PDX (Guest Host) 

Robin from The Sunshine Diary (Guest Host)

2) Post our button on your sidebar, or add a link on your Party List. 

3) Hop around and visit at least a few new blogs and meet some new blogging friends.

At Home Take 2

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="At Home Take 2" width="125" height="125" /></a>

Have Giveaways or want to enter? Do that here.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Weekend Blog Walk. Woot woot!

Hi! It's Jilly. I'm so happy that it's time for the Weekend Blog Walk! I look forward to it every week! We've been busy around here this week! But, what week isn't busy, ya know?! 

Link up your blogs, Facebook & Twitter accounts. If you are new to the hop make sure you leave me a comment so I can say "Hi!". Enjoy visiting each other!

Weekend Blog Walk

Spread the love- give a shout out with #WeekendBlogWalk, or just hit the Tweet button below:

What is Blog Hop Etiquette anyway? 

Interested in being a Guest-Host?  There is a $10 fee to Guest Host.  
Send an email (athometake2 at gmail dot com) to reserve your spot.  
Be sure to put Guest Host in the subject line.

Rules for the Weekend Blog Walk are simple:

1) Follow your Co-Hosts and Guest Hosts (1-6 on the Linky) via GFC, Feedburner, Facebook, Twitter and/or Pinterest. Please leave a comment if you are a new follower.
Jessica from At Home Take 2

Jillian from Hi! It's Jilly.

Jenna from Call Her Happy

Cassie from  Two in Diapers (Guest Host)

Michele from Better Organized Living (Guest Host) 

Gaye from Calm, Healthy, Sexy (Guest Host)

2) Post our button on your sidebar, or add a link on your Party List. 

3) Hop around and visit at least a few new blogs and meet some new blogging friends.

At Home Take 2

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="At Home Take 2" width="125" height="125" /></a>

Have Giveaways or want to enter? Do that here.


Friday, November 2, 2012

It's Weekend Blog Walk Time!

Hi! It's Jilly. Is it seriously Friday?! When holidays are in the middle of the week it always throws me off! Did you go trick-or-treating? It was raining here, so we went trick-or-treating at the mall. You walk from store to store and get candy. NOT as profitable, my friends! It seemed like half the stores ran out of candy early, and you only get one piece of candy per store. 

Oh, well. That's less candy hanging around the house, which is probably a good thing for me! Although, I was planning on having the kids do the Halloween Candy Buyback and donate a bunch of their candy to the troops serving in the Middle East. But, since the kids only got a few pieces that doesn't really work. Perhaps next year.

Now, it's time for the Weekend Blog Walk! Thank you for linking up every week. It's fun to see the growth of the Walk, and the interaction between the participants! If it's your first time on the Walk, Welcome! 

Leave me a comment saying you're a first-timer so I can check out your blog! Of course, you can leave a comment just to say, "Hi!", too. I love me some comments! Without further adieu...Let's get this Blog Walk rollin'!

P.S. -- Today is Jenna from Call Her Happy's birthday! She is one of our lovely co-hosts. So, be sure to visit her and leave her some bloggy love! :D

Weekend Blog Walk

Spread the love- give a shout out with #WeekendBlogWalk, or just hit the Tweet button below:

What is Blog Hop Etiquette anyway? 

Interested in being a Guest-Host?  There is a $10 fee to Guest Host, but reserve your spot now to receive a 30% discount.  Send an email (athometake2 at gmail dot com) to reserve your spot.  Be sure to put Guest Host in the subject line.  This small fee allows us to advertise and promote the Weekend Blog Walk, while offering you a 10 Day Ad Spot on At Home Take 2 and Facebook and Twitter shout outs.

Rules for the Weekend Blog Walk are simple:

1) Follow your Co-Hosts and Guest Hosts (1-6 on the Linky) via GFC, Feedburner, Facebook, Twitter and/or Pinterest. Please leave a comment if you are a new follower.

Jessica from At Home Take 2

Jillian from Hi! It's Jilly.

Jenna from Call Her Happy

Hayley from Hayley's World 

Roni from The Home Payge (Guest Host) 

Allie from Table for More (Guest Host)

Jess from The Empowered Momma (Guest Host)

2) Post our button on your sidebar, or add a link on your Party List. 
3) Hop around and visit at least a few new blogs and meet some new blogging friends.

At Home Take 2

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="At Home Take 2" width="125" height="125" /></a>

Have Giveaways or want to enter? Do that here.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Weekend Blog Walk- Link up!

Hi! It's Jilly. I just realized that this is my 100th post! Woo hoo! I am so excited to share this milestone with all of you here on the Weekend Blog Walk!

In honor of my 100th post, let's try to get over 200 link-ups!! So, share the Walk on your Facebook, Twitter, and Google+! The more links, the merrier!! :)

When saying hello to people you meet from the hop on Twitter, be sure to use the hashtag #WeekendBlogWalk. It will be like a little Weekend Blog Walk club!

Here's Jessica with the "deets" of the hop!

Thanks for joining us for the Weekend Blog Walk.  We had nearly 200 bloggers linked up and ready to blog hop last weekend

Spread the love- give a shout out with #WeekendBlogWalk, or just hit the Tweet button below:

What is Blog Hop Etiquette anyway? 

Interested in being a Guest-Host?  There is a $10 fee to Guest Host.   Or, if you purchase Large Ad space on At Home Take 2, you can get a free weekend as Guest Host.  Send an email ( to reserve your spot.  Be sure to put Guest Host in the subject line.  This small fee allows us to advertise and promote the Weekend Blog Walk, allowing the blog hop to grow, and helping us all gain more traffic.  

Rules for the Weekend Blog Walk are simple:

1) Follow your Co-Hosts and Guest Hosts (1-6 on the Linky) via GFC or Feedburer.  If you link up on the Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest Lists, please follow us there as well.  Leave a comment for us if you are a new follower.
Jessica from At Home Take 2

Jillian from Hi! It's Jilly.

Jenna from Call Her Happy

Sarah at Life in a Breakdown (Guest Host) 

Melissa at My Watermelon Moon (Guest Host)

Allie at Coupon Gator Mommy  (Guest Host)

Michelle at Krumble Cakes and Sweets (Guest Host)
2) Post our button on your sidebar, or add a link on your Party List. 

3) Hop around and visit at least a few new blogs and meet some new blogging friends.

At Home Take 2

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="At Home Take 2" width="125" height="125" /></a>

Have Giveaways or want to enter? Do that here.


Friday, October 19, 2012

Weekend Blog Walk!

Hi! It's Jilly! Today is an exciting day because I am co-hosting TWO blog hops!! So, be sure to "hop" over and link up with the Friday Chaos after you are done linking up here! 

As always, we are so happy to have you here at the Weekend Blog Walk! Leave a comment if you are new to the hop so I can say, "Hi!". Let's get walkin'! 

Spread the love- give a shout out with #WeekendBlogWalk, or just hit the Tweet button below:

What is Blog Hop Etiquette anyway? 

Interested in being a Guest-Host?  Our Guest-Hosts get a top spot on the Blog Walk and gain great visibility on this very popular weekend blog hop.  There is a $10 fee to Guest Host, or n/c when you purchase a Large Ad Spot on At Home Take 2.  Send an email to and reserve your spot.  Be sure to put Guest Host in the subject line.  This small fee allows us to advertise and promote the Weekend Blog Walk.

Rules for the Weekend Blog Walk are simple:

1) Follow your Co-Hosts and Guest Hosts (1-7 on the Linky) via GFC.  Please leave a comment for them if you are a new follower.
Jessica from At Home Take 2

Jillian from Hi! It's Jilly.

Jenna from Call Her Happy

Hayley from Hayley's World 

Misty from Monkeys and Tutus (Guest Host) 

April from Darlingest Dr. Momsie (Guest Host)

Danielle at The Periwinkle Piggy (Guest Host)

2) Post our button on your sidebar, or add a link on your Party List. 

3) Hop around and visit at least a few new blogs and meet some new blogging friends.

At Home Take 2

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="At Home Take 2" width="125" height="125" /></a>

Have Giveaways or want to enter? Do that here.


Friday, October 12, 2012

Weekend Blog Walk- Let's Mix and Mingle!

Hi! It's Jilly. Welcome to the Weekend Blog Walk! Last week we had almost 200 blogs link up!! Wow!! Spread the word and see if we can get it over the 200 mark! Woot!

Thanks for linking up and visiting each others' blogs. It's what makes this Walk so successful! Let's get walkin'!

Weekend Blog Walk

Spread the love- give a shout out with #WeekendBlogWalk, or just hit the Tweet button below:

What is Blog Hop Etiquette anyway? 

Interested in being a Guest-Host?  There is a $10 fee to Guest Host.  This small fee allows us to advertise and promote the Weekend Blog Walk, while offering you a 10 Day Ad Spot on At Home Take 2 and Facebook and Twitter shout outs.  Send an email (athometake2 at gmail dot com) to reserve your spot.  Be sure to put Guest Host in the subject line.

Rules for the Weekend Blog Walk are simple:

1) Follow your Co-Hosts and Guest Hosts (1-6 on the Linky) via GFC, Feedburner, Facebook, Twitter and/or Pinterest. Please leave a comment if you are a new follower so we can say, "Hi!":

Jessica from At Home Take 2

Jillian from Hi! It's Jilly.

Jenna from Call Her Happy

Jesse from The Empowered Momma (Guest Host) 

Rachel from Postcards from Rachel (Guest Host)

Bonnie from Mrs. Bonn Bonn (Guest Host)

2) Post our button on your sidebar, or add a link on your Party List. 

3) Hop around and visit at least a few new blogs and meet some new blogging friends.

At Home Take 2

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="At Home Take 2" width="125" height="125" /></a>

Have Giveaways or want to enter? Do that here.


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