Showing posts with label arizona. Show all posts
Showing posts with label arizona. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

I Left My Heart in Arizona...

Hi! It's Jilly. We have lived here in New York for almost 10 months now. But, I still have days where my heart aches for Arizona. The people. The weather. The shopping. Did I mention the people? And the weather? Augh! My heart aches!

I've had this song milling around in my mind for a while now. I hope you enjoy it!

I Left My Heart in Arizona
By: Frank Sinatra Jillian Robertson

I left my heart in Arizona
High on a hill, it calls to me.

I Left My Heart in Arizona from Hi! It's Jilly

To be where little cactus barbs
Climb halfway to the stars

I Left My Heart in Arizona from Hi! It's Jilly

That blist'ring sun may scorch my hair
I don't care.

I Left My Heart in Arizona from Hi! It's Jilly

My heart waits there in Arizona
Those sparkling pools are where I long to be.

I Left My Heart in Arizona from Hi! It's Jilly

When I come home to you, Arizona
Your golden sun will shine for meeeeeeee.

I Left My Heart in Arizona from Hi! It's Jilly

Note: Looking through old pictures while putting together this post did not help my achy-breaky heart at all whatsoever. No sirree, Bob.

Note 2:  To my NY friends...Just because I have written this post does not mean I hate everything and everyone in New York and think it is stinky and poopy. I actually really like it here, and love all the awesome people I've met. It's just hard to say goodbye to the place we made our home for the last four years. Kapeesh?

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