Showing posts with label blogging. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blogging. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

I'm On A Podcast!

Hi! It's Jilly. Last week I was interviewed by the lovely Dee from Blogging 4 Fun and Profit and The CSI Project! It was so much fun!
We talked about ebooks, and I was able to chat about my experience contributing to my friend Jessica McCoy's ebook Serious Blogging: Tips and Tricks to Put Your Blog on the Map (affiliate link). 
Serious Blogging ebook

So, head over to Blogging 4 Fun and Profit to listen to the podcast! There is a lot of great information in our discussion. Hopefully I don't sound too much like a dork. Ha ha!

Are you following me on Facebook or Twitter yet? Or maybe Instagram or Pinterest?

Monday, March 24, 2014

Blogging Tips: Add a Comment to Scheduled Posts on Facebook!

Hi! It's Jilly. Facebook can be so lame sometimes! I have over 850 fans on Facebook, yet only 15 people see some of my posts! Ridiculous, right?! Bloggers try lots of different things to try to make their posts seen by more people. One way is to share links in the comments of status updates, because Facebook doesn't like to show posts that include a link.

But, a lot of people like to schedule their status updates ahead of time so they don't have to spend all day long on Facebook promoting their posts. How can you schedule your updates AND get the links to your blog posts seen by the most people on Facebook? You can't add a comment to a status update that hasn't gone 'live' yet, can you?

The answer is...YES!!

Ever wondered if there was a way to add your blog post's link in the comments of scheduled Facebook posts? Then check out this awesome trick! #blogger #facebook #bloggingtips

Monday, October 7, 2013

Pondering about Life vs. Blogging

Hi! It's Jilly. I've been thinking about this here blog for a little while now, trying to decide what I want to do, what I want to write about..that kind of thing. If this post seems really scatter-brained I'm sorry. I'm kind of a scatterbrained person, so there ya go. I'll sprinkle a few (mostly non-related) pictures throughout the post because, hey, pictures!

Some people get writer's block and they can't think of anything to blog about. I almost have the opposite problem. There are SO many things I want to write about. Projects, parties, recipes, random stuff from my life, things to think about, stuff with my kids, the world in general... Aah! So much stuff! So then I have a hard time focusing on what I'm going to write about. Then, it takes me so stinkin' long sometimes to write a post that I don't have time to do anything else.

Then there's that issue...having time for anything else. I find myself wasting away on the computer all day with very little to show for it. AND, my highest priority should be taking care of my family and my home.

We might be old-fashioned, but in our family we believe in having very traditional roles. My husband goes to work and earns the money. I stay home and take care of the kids and house. Not to say he doesn't help with the kids or house at all, because he does. And, I help him with his work, too. (Bring him stuff he needs at work, look over presentations for him, etc) It's a team effort. But, my "job" is to care for the home and the people living in it. I need to focus on my #1 job first, blogging second.

Often I spend alllll daaaaaay while the kids are at school on the computer. Seriously. It's ridiculous. It's not always blog-related, but that's still a heck of a lot of time to be on the computer. It's too much. I have a hard time focusing on the task at hand, whether it's in the house or online. I need to scale back my computer use, for sure. And, make sure I don't get on the computer until I have the stuff done around the house that I need to get done. (Oy. I hate to type that out. Ick!)

I also need to evaluate my blogging. This blog was set up to share projects and recipes. But, my 'tagline' says I write about the triplets and hubby in residency. I hardly ever talk about that stuff! Hmm. So, I need to figure out exactly what I want to be writing about on here.

I don't always write about the kids or hubs because I don't feel like I'm a fantastic storyteller. I *do* think our life is interesting, and people always want to hear about life with triplets, but I just...I don't know. I don't feel like I make our family stories sound very interesting. Ha! I need to find "my voice" as a writer. I need to write like I'm talking to a dear friend, not like I'm writing an instruction manual.

I need to find a good balance between my home life and blog life. I need to make the blog work for ME, not the other way around. It's a hobby, after all. So what if every single post isn't the most amazing thing you've ever read in your life?! So what if Betty Blogger has a better looking, sounding, smelling (ok, not smelling) blog than I do?! THAT'S OKAY. Once I find a better balance I can focus more on SEO, promotion, affiliate crap, etc. Till then, I just need to write for me, and make sure I'm taking care of myself and my family before I worry about blog posts.

Phew! Glad to get some of those jumbled thoughts off my chest!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Serious Blogging: Tips and Tricks to Put YOUR Blog On The Map! E-Book Giveaway!!

Hi! It's Jilly. Are you a blogger who would like to increase your followers, and maybe even earn some moola from your blogging efforts?! Then you are in luck! Today I will be giving away a copy of my blogging buddy Jessica's eBook "Serious Blogging: Tips and Tricks To Put Your Blog On The Map". Click here to view more details

Serious Blogging: Tips and Tricks to Put Your Blog On The Map eBook

Jessica has been my blogging buddy and mentor for over a year, and I can tell you from experience that she knows what she is talking about! Every time I have followed the advice in her eBook I have seen growth on my blog. And, I have watched her blog All She Cooks improve and grow as she has put these tips and tricks in place on her own site.

Another fun thing about this book is that Jessica let me write a little section about balancing family life with blogging. Exciting, right?! I'm in a BOOK!! WHOA!!

Serious Blogging usually sells for $9.99, which is a great price since it is chock full of amazing information. BUT, you can enter to win a copy of your own for FREE! Enter below, and good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway
**FTC guidelines require that I disclose that this post includes affiliate links, meaning I will be compensated if a book is purchased. However, all opinions are 100% my own.** 

Friday, April 12, 2013

One Year Blog-iversary!!

Hi! It's Jilly. It has officially been one year since I started this blog-ee-oh! SO many crazy things have happened this year! I've learned a lot, and 'met' a lot of really awesome people through this blog.

What's happened on the blog this last year?


Moving Tips Series

moving tips 4

Mother of Multiples FAQ

Hi! It's Jilly MOMs FAQ

Easy Peasy 12 Day Menu Plan

BLT Pasta Salad

Clothesline Photo Display


Ponytail Holder Organization

Better Than Starbucks Salted Caramel Hot Chocolate

Hi! It's Jilly and Starbucks Hot Chocolate

Master Bathroom Makeover

Master Bath Makeover- After


Thanks for joining me on this crazy ride called blogging! Hopefully this next year brings even better things for all of us! :)

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Social Media Fast

Hi! It's Jilly. I've been thinking about this a lot lately, and I've decided that I need to unplug for a while. Starting today I am going on a social media fast for one month.

No Facebook. No blogging. No Twitter.

Gasp, I know. But, I feel like it is the best thing for me right now. I've been having a hard time balancing everything. I need to focus on my family and on making our home a slice of heaven on Earth.

I'm afraid I've been doing too much of this:

and not enough of this:

So, for the next month things will be quiet here on the 'ole blog. I will still be posting pictures to Instagram, because I feel like it is a good way to chronicle our normal, everyday lives and I like doing the Photo-A-Day Challenge. But, I will not be updating my Facebook status, Tweeting, or doing any blog posts.

During the month as I do different projects and things I will take pictures so I can potentially share them with you at a later date, but I make no guarantees. We'll see how things go for the month, and then maybe I'll start blogging again in February. Or, maybe not. Who knows?

I hate to just *screeeech* put on the brakes like that and stop blogging, etc for a month, 'cause I've put so much time and effort into this blog, and I feel like I never complete anything I start (which is part of my problem), but I think I need to put more of my time and effort into those things that are essential--caring for myself and my family.

I've also been having a hard time lately with feeling bad about myself because I'm not as good as so-and-so, or post as much as so-and-so, or not as stylish as so-and-so, or as creative as so-and-so, or take pictures as pretty as get the picture.

They say comparison is the thief of joy, and I'm robbing myself left and right. Maybe by unplugging from all the craziness online for a while I can get my head back on straight!

I will be checking my e-mail periodically, so if you need to get a hold of me, drop me a line at Other than that...see ya in a month!!


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