Showing posts with label crazy kids. Show all posts
Showing posts with label crazy kids. Show all posts

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Going to Hogwarts

Hi! It's Jilly. A couple months ago Polly at Pieces by Polly sent me an adorable Hedwig necklace from her Etsy shop. I'm a huge Harry Potter fan, so I love it. She also sent a Hogwarts acceptance letter for each of the kids. I'd planned to put the letters in their stockings, but on Christmas Eve we decided it would be more fun to put them in the mailbox instead.

After Christmas we were so busy getting ready to leave for our trip that I kind of forgot about the letters. When we got back I remembered the letters were in the mailbox, so I sent Katelynn down to get the mail. She burst into the apartment SO excited and told Emma and Michael that they'd gotten letters, too. They started going on and on about how they've been accepted to Hogwarts and they can't wait to go.

It was so fun to see their excitement. I thought they'd like the letters, but had no idea how excited they would be. Michael insisted that we go to the store right away to buy as much as we can here from their school list. He said, "Where are we going to get the rest of the stuff on this list?". Katelynn and Emma chimed in, "Diagon Alley, of course!". Ha ha!

BUT, now it's getting out of hand! It's been over a week and they are still convinced that they are, in fact, leaving for Hogwarts the end of August!

They keep asking me all these questions about Hogwarts, and promise to write letters everyday, telling me about what is happening there and what it's like, since I can't go there because I'm a "Muggle".

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

What is it like to have triplets?

Hi! It's Jilly. People ask me all the time--what is it like to have triplets?

"What's it like to have triplets?" | Hi! It's Jilly

 Well, the answer is...I don't know! 

"What's it like to have triplets?" | Hi! It's Jilly

Number 1, having triplets is all I've ever known. I've never had just one kid at a time. What is it like to have a "singleton"? How would you answer that question?

"What's it like to have triplets?" | Hi! It's Jilly

Number 2, I don't think of myself as a triplet mom. That might sound really weird, but it's the truth. Some triplet moms are really into their "triplet mom status". Every time you talk to them it's "triplets this" and "triplets that". I don't think I'm that way. At least, I hope not. If I am, please tell me!

"What's it like to have triplets?" | Hi! It's Jilly

I just think of myself of a mom of three kids...who happen to have been born at the same time. They all have such different personalities. And, they aren't identical at all, so they don't necessarily look like triplets.

I mean, they are three different people, so of course they have different personalities. But, that's not something people always think about when they think about triplets. They think the kids should be exactly the same. Well, just because they were "womb-mates" for 33 1/2 weeks doesn't mean they will look and act the same!

"What's it like to have triplets?" | Hi! It's Jilly

It is fun to see them interact with each other, though. They come up with the funniest things! It will be interesting to see the dynamics of their relationships when they are teenagers, and when they are grown and have children of their own.

I hope they remain close and can always be each others' best friends. That is one of my greatest wishes and hopes!

"What's it like to have triplets?" | Hi! It's Jilly

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Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Find Joy

Hi! It's Jilly. For the last week or two I've been having a really hard time. I don't know what the deal is. I just feel sooooo aggravated and frustrated with everything! I'm been feeling really down and burnt out, too. *sigh*

I've had many thoughts swirling around in my head. When I'm feeling aggravated, everything drives me insane. One little thing will happen and I will just completely lose it! Then, I feel guilty for yelling, but at the same time I'm so mad I don't even care. Then, I get depressed because I feel like I should be better than this.

Find Joy | Hi! It's Jilly

When I'm depressed I feel completely incompetent, like I'm a failure in every area of my life. I feel like I'm not good enough and I will never be good enough. Then I see all these moms around me who are amazing mothers, whose houses are neat, and it just makes it worse. I have the oldest kids among my friends, yet they seem to have things figured out. What's my problem?! Why can't I get it together?! I've had more time to "practice". What's wrong with me?!

Don't even go on Facebook. Then you're hit with all these "my kids are the most precious thing on the planet and I'm completely head over heels in love with them" posts, and the "I've gotten so much done today and it's only 8 am" posts. GAG. It sounds terrible, but I'm just not feelin' it lately.

Find Joy | Hi! It's Jilly

Maybe it's the fact that I have three eight year-olds who are almost constantly bickering with each other. "So-and-so won't stop making that noise. So-and-so BIT me. Why does so-and-so always get everything? Why don't we ever get to do anything fun? (Spoken less than 5 minutes after returning home from a super fun activity), I hate this place, I wish I had a different mother... "

Blah, blah, BLAH!! I can't take it anymore.

I mean, I love my kids, of course, but... ARGH!

I often compare having triplets with being thrown in the deep end of a pool without a life jacket. Everyone always says to me, "Oh, I can't imagine what it was like when they were babies! It must be so much easier now that their older!". To that I say... NOOOO!!

Find Joy | Hi! It's Jilly

When they're babies and they cry there are usually 1 of 3 things wrong- hungry, tired, or dirty diaper. Add in the gas bubbles from time to time. Now it's much more complicated. It's harder to keep your patience and not get weighed down by the bad attitudes, drama, and emotional rollercoasters, not to mention staying on top of the housework and laundry and meals (I swear they are "starving" every hour) and homework and extra-curriculars and...need I go on?!

I've been pondering how I can feel better and have a better attitude. In church on Sunday one of the speakers said, "We find joy when we help others feel joy." I loved that! It reminded me of the quote by James M. Barrie, "Those who bring sunshine into the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves."

When you are depressed it is really hard to feel joy, and it's hard to help others to feel it, because you're not feeling it. But, I need to be more aware of my attitude and how it affects my children's attitudes. And, I need to pray for strength and peace. I was typing this post I was listening to Pandora, and the song "Never Alone" by Hilary Weeks started playing. These lyrics jumped out and grabbed me!
Cause when the darkness comes 
I'm a prisoner to my fears
Although I'm listening the doubt is all I hear
Then I reach for your hand 
and feel you reaching back
And the light returns
Now I have tears rolling down my face. The Lord is truly aware of each one of us! That song couldn't have come at a more perfect time. Talk about a tender mercy! Although I don't always acknowledge it, I am grateful for God's hand in my life, and His love and care for me. I need to rely on Him more. That is how I will get through this trying phase of motherhood!!

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Thursday, February 21, 2013

The "CTW" Jar of Consequences

Hi! It's Jilly. Lately the kids have been a leeeeetle crazy, to say the least. Seems like I'm always telling them to go to time out. Maybe it's a 7 year-old thing. I dunno. It's driving me a little nuts, though.

I saw this cute "Uh Oh" jar floating around Pinterest and I thought it was a great idea. Basically, you fill the jar with slips of paper with different consequences on them, and when the kid gets in trouble they have to pull out a slip and do whatever it says.

The CTW Jar from Hi! It's Jilly

I had the kids help me come up with a name for our jar. We decided on the "CTW" jar. CTW?! What does that mean?! Well, we are Mormon and a popular saying in our church is "Choose The Right", or "CTR". The kids get little rings in Primary (the children's program) with CTR on them to help them remember to make good choices. It's kinda like "WWJD".

Colored CTR shield

So, that's why the kids chose "CTW" for the jar, because they have to pick out a slip when they are making a wrong choice...CTW. Get it? Ha ha!

I have all kinds of things in the jar. Wash a door. Do 15 jumping jacks. Sit in the corner for 7 minutes. Pick up 10 pieces of garbage. Mop the floor in the hallway. Lay on your bed and breathe deeply for 3 minutes.

The possibilities are endless. Use your imaginations!

Here's Michael performing one of the tasks after whining about doing his homework. He had to write "Kindness begins with me." 5 times.

Hi! It's Jilly. Doing a consequence from the CTW jar.

I'm hoping this jar helps curb some of the craziness. We'll see. Hopefully it will help you guys out!

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