Showing posts with label doctor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label doctor. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Doctors and the Great Outdoors

Hi! It's Jilly. One day we were rollerblading and I was thinking about how we like to do a lot of things outdoors as a family. Most of our friends who are doctors also like outside recreation. Why is that?

Well, I think I've come up with the reason...because it's CHEAP!! Yes, being outside is good for you, you're getting exercise, blah blah blah. BUT, when you are in school for over a decade, up to your ears in debt, and living on student loans, you need some forms of recreation that aren't going to break the bank!

Hiking- FREE!

Why Do Doctors Love the Great Outdoors...because it's CHEAP! Ha ha! : Hi! It's Jilly

Thursday, May 9, 2013

You Might Be A Doctor's Wife If...

Hi! It's Jilly. There are some little things that are kind of...different in your life if you are married to a doctor, especially a resident. I thought it would be fun to point some of these things out.

You might be a doctor's wife if...

  • the balance on your student loan statement is large enough to purchase your dream house.
  • "call" is a four-letter word.
  • you've ever been out-and-about with your family and someone has stopped your husband to ask him to look at his (fill in the blank).
  • your husband says excitedly, "I'm going in for surgery!".
  • you think whoever decided white coats should be white needs to be hunted down.
  • you nonchalantly say to your friend, "Oh, Hubby's at the hospital."
  • you've had dinner plans ruined by a case running late or the pager going off. 
  • people think you're rich because "your husband is a doctor." (See #1)
  • you wish that college had only been 7 years. Shut up, Richard...
Lots of people go to college for 7 years
  • a medical procedure has been done at your kitchen table.
  • you only get food from the "nice" restaurants when Hubby brings it home in a doggy bag from one of those drug rep dinners.
  • you wake up in the middle of the night to find his side of the bed empty...and it doesn't phase you.
  • you zone out when Hubby starts "talking shop" with one of his friends.
  • you find pictures of nasty wounds and infections on his phone.
  • the kids complain about an ailment and you say, "Just have Dad look at it when he gets home."
  • your Hubby takes the kids on a "date" to the hospital cafeteria.
What would you add to the list? ;)

Monday, October 1, 2012

Medical Monday Blog Hop -- Co-Host!!

Hi! It's Jilly. I am happy to be Co-Hosting the Medical Mondays Blog Hop today with the lovely ladies of Your Doctor's Wife and From a Doctor's Wife! I love linking up with this great hop and checking out the other bloggers who link up. It's always fun to meet new people. especially people you can relate to! If you or a family member is in the medical field, feel free to link up! Let's get this hop started!

P.S.- I am also guest posting today over at Musings From A Stay At Home Mom with some simple chore chart ideas. Make sure you check that out, too. :)

Hooray! It's Medical Monday!

Are you confused if you qualify for the party?

Do you work in healthcare?
Doctor? Nurse? EMT? Chiropractor? Vet? Dentist? Therapist?
Are you the spouse or SO of a healthcare worker/student?
Are you a nursing student? Medical student?
Intern? Resident? Fellow?

You get the picture, right? 


Our once a month bloghop for bloggers like yourself, where we can build a community of support and friendship, learn from one another and share our stories.

Here are the rules:

  1. Follow your co-hosts via GFC.
  2. Link up you medical/med life blog. If your blog name does not clearly state how you fit in to the med/med life world, please write a little intro or link up a specific post which clearly demonstrates your connection.
  3. Visit at least 3 other link ups, comment, introduce yourself, and tell the your stopping by or following from MM! 
  4. Help spread the word by using our button on your post or sidebar, tweet about Medical Monday, or spread the word on Facebook! The more the merrier for all of us!
And here's a helpful tip. . .

If you haven't turned of word verification, it's ON. Please turn it off. We'll all LOVE you!!
Not sure how? Click here for instructions.

Complete step one by following your co-hosts:

Want to be awesome? Help facilitate the hopping by grabbing this button and insert it on the post you link up. . .

Want to co-host next month? Shoot Emma an email at

Now, link up below and have fun! The link up is open through Friday, so be sure to come back during the week.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Medical Monday- "Daddy A School"

I wrote this down a couple months into our first year of med school. The kids were 3 years old at the time. I wanted to share it here with you guys. It was fun to go back and read again. Enjoy! (Not all the pictures are from 1st year. I don't have many pictures of my hubby from 1st year, probably 'cause I never saw him!!)

Sometimes you wonder what the kids think about this whole 'med school' thing. All they know is that Daddy is gone at school in class, or studying all the time. At least, that's what we tell them. But, I wonder if they know exactly what that means. A couple of examples...

* A couple Saturdays ago Daddy went to volunteer at the Special Olympics. They got to look at the competitors' feet  and such, plus it gave them some of their required service hours. Anyway, when he got home he was wearing the scrub top they gave him and the kids were all, like, "Daddy, you a doctor now?", then after he changed Girl B said, "You a Daddy again?" It was so funny. 

{volunteering at P.F.Chang's Rock n' Roll Marathon, Feb 2010}

* The other day when I was trying to get the kids to lay down for their nap, Boy C asked where Daddy was. I told him he was at school learning how to be a doctor, and Boy C goes, "Again?!", like he should be one by now or something. 

{saying "Hi" to Daddy while bringing food to him at school during his lunch break}

They DO say things, like, "Daddy a(t) school", "Daddy you go to school and class?" and, "Daddy be a doctor." Someday they will understand. I tell my hubby that if it is any consolation they probably won't remember him being gone a lot when they get older. When my Dad was in pharmacy school I was in the lower grades of elementary school and I wasn't "scarred for life" or anything. I vaguely remember that when he was doing his residency he was in a city a few hours away and would come home on the weekends, and send us tapes with him talking to us on them. That's about it. 

{visiting Daddy at school}

Well, hopefully the hubster will get through this rough first year and the kids will be able to say in a few years that "Daddy a doctor".

{after graduation. Why yes, he IS a big Disney fan. Don't worry...he wore his 'real' hat during the ceremony}

Linking up with 

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Airing Our Dirty Laundry

Hi! It’s Jilly. This is what happens when you are married to a podiatrist and are trying to do the laundry.

skeletons in the washer

Edited to add:

I found even MORE random stuff while I was doing laundry! Here is my collection of crazy stuff.

Like the headless Polly and the bent bobby pin?

Monday, August 6, 2012

Medical Monday- In the trenches

Somehow I stumbled upon these awesome blogs - Your Doctor's Wife and From: A Doctor's Wife  - and I love them! They blog all about what it's like as the wife of a doctor and a medical resident. I can commiserate because my husband just graduated from med school and started his first year of residency about a month ago.

First official day of residency. Woot woot!

Your Doctor's Wife and From: A Doctor's Wife have decided to do a weekly blog hop for medical/med life posts! It made me realize I should post more about my experiences "in the trenches" here on the 'ole blog. 

I don't always think about, or know what to say about, our experience in medical school. I say "our" because when you are married to a student doctor it's a team effort! Not only do the students themselves make a lot of sacrifices, but you as the wife/husband/significant other/child/pet of the student make a lot of sacrifices as well. 

I can't remember how many events we missed (including a sister's wedding), or how many date nights had to be canceled. I don't know how many days I was ready to ship my kids off to a pineapple farm and couldn't even call my husband because he was in class, or studying for the 4th test in a 3 day period. 

There were times he was gone for a month or more on the other side of the country on a rotation. During one of those rotations I had to take all three kids with me to the ER late one night because Girl A stepped on a sawtooth picture hanger. 


Sometimes he would be SO busy studying for a huge string of tests (which seemed to happen every.stinkin'.week) that the only opportunity we had to see him would be to take dinner over to the school and have dinner together as a family at the picnic tables outside. He would take half an hour to eat and play with the kids, then it was back to the 'ole grindstone!

But, we made it through school! He graduated! Woo hoo!!

Now, we just have to make it through residency, right?!?! Right. 

Linking up with


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