Hi! It’s Jilly. Yesterday I looked at the calendar and said, “Yikes!! It’s almost Halloween!! I have NO idea what the kids want to dress up as this year!”
So, I asked the kids. E said right away, “I want to be a ladybug ballerina!” Uhm…what?!?! That kid comes up with something crazy every year. Last year she was a watermelon fairy.
Yeah, I didn't know what that was, either. I had to wing it. (Wing it?! Ha ha ha…) But, every year a tutu of some sort seems to be involved.
Amazingly enough, a ladybug ballerina is ACTUALLY a THING! You learn something new everyday, I guess. I like to make the kids’ costumes every year, so I will be using this costume as my inspiration.
This little tutu is way cute, too. 

K always surprises me with her costume choices. Some years she wants to be the same as E, like a couple years ago when they were princess fairies. (I’m seeing a ‘fairy’ trend here…)

This year she decided she wants to be Ariel. That should be easy enough to put together. I’ll fashion some seashells out of felt, and I haven’t decided about the “fins” yet.
I LOVE this tutorial from Living the Creative Life. It is SO darling, and I think I could actually do it!

image from Living the Creative Life
M has been a pirate a couple of times. He actually used the same vest and bandanna both years. Ha ha!
One year he was “The radioactive spider that bit Peter Parker and made him become Spiderman". Where do kids come up with this stuff?! This year he wants to be a werewolf. And no, I’m not a huge Twilight fan, so that’s not where he got it!
I thought this costume was pretty cool, but I don’t want to buy a costume. Like I said, I like to make them myself.
I love this little homemade werewolf costume. Thrifty and cute. My favorite kind of costume!

As I make each costume I will let you in on what I do, so you can have your own ladybug ballerina, Ariel, and werewolf running around your house!
What are YOU and YOUR kids going to be for Halloween?! Spill it in the comments! :)
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I might be linking up with these parties, if I have my act together. Ha ha!
I might be linking up with these parties, if I have my act together. Ha ha!