Showing posts with label printables. Show all posts
Showing posts with label printables. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

"Sisters Because Of Our Misters" Free Printable

Hi! It's Jilly. I have the coolest sisters-in-law. They are awesome, amazing, strong women, and I am happy to have them as a part of my family. Sometimes living on the opposite Coast is really lame. My brother-in-law and sister-in-law just adopted a baby and I want to snuggle him SO bad. I hate not being there for all the BIG things in their lives.

We reaaaallly wanted to make a trip out to Oregon this summer, but it doesn't look like it's in the cards, and it kills me. Gah! Residency! Why you gotta be like that?! One more more year...

I've had this phrase bouncing around in my head for quite some time, and I finally decided to make a printable graphic of it! It would be fun to throw in a frame as a gift for your fave sister-in-law, as a decoration at a family bridal shower, or printed on the front of a greeting card.

I hope this graphic makes you smile as much as it makes me smile! 
Do you have awesome in-laws, too? Tell me about them!

Want more printables?! Here ya go! 

* Follow me on Facebook, Pinterest, or Instagram for more fun stuff! *

Monday, June 30, 2014

Nature Trail Scavenger Hunt - FREE Printable

Hi! It's Jilly. Summer is a great time to go on hikes and explore nature! For Activity Days we went on a nature hike. I wanted it to be a little bit more exciting for the kids, so I typed up a Nature Scavenger Hunt.

Nature Trail Scavenger Hunt - Free Printable. From Hi! It's Jilly #kids #nature #scavengerhunt

Monday, March 31, 2014

FREE Printable "Hoppy" Easter Gift Tags with Milky Way Simply Caramel & Three Musketeer BITES Treat Jars

I am a member of the Collective Bias®  Social Fabric® Community. This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper amplification for Collective Bias and its advertiser. #collectivebias #cbias

Hi! It's Jilly. I wanted to put together a little gift for the ladies I visit teach for Easter. I knew chocolate had to be involved somehow!

These treat jars are so darling! FREE Printable "Hoppy" Easter gift tag. #easter #gift #printable #shop #EatMoreBites

I thought these Milky Way Simply Caramel and Three Musketeer BITES at Wal-mart looked yummy, so I grabbed a couple bags of them. There was a big 'ole endcap full of 'em. 

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Alien Valentines with FREE Printable!

Hi! It's Jilly. I love making my kiddos Valentines. It's a fun way to be creative. Michael was watching me edit some photos on PicMonkey, and when he spied these aliens he knew that's what he wanted on his Valentines! (Btw...if you follow that link up there you can try PicMonkey Royale FREE for a day! :) )

He chose which aliens to use, and even helped me come up with the sayings! My favorite is, "Aliens are green. Spaceships are blue. My Valentine is!". Ha ha!

FREE Printable Alien Valentines from Hi! It's Jilly. #valentines #printable #aliens #milkyway

I paired them little Milky Way bars, because I thought they went well with the whole "aliens/space" thing. Get it?! Milky Way?!

FREE Printable Alien Valentines from Hi! It's Jilly. #valentines #printable #aliens #milkyway

There are 6 Valentines per sheet. Get your free printable HERE!

FREE Printable Alien Valentines from Hi! It's Jilly. #valentines #printable #aliens #milkyway

More FREE printable Valentines:

"I'm a sucker for you" Valentine with Free Printable! #valentine #printable 

If you like these Valentines, don't forget to "pin" them! 

See ya on Pinterest, Facebook,  or Instagram! :)

Friday, January 31, 2014

"Sucker" Valentine with FREE Printable!

Hi! It's Jilly. I love coming up with fun Valentine's for my kids. It's so much fun! Last year after Valentine's I bought a couple bags of heart suckers on clearance, 'cause I knew they'd still be good this year. So, I needed to come up with something involving those heart suckers.

I went through a few different 'saying' ideas. I thought that I probably shouldn't put "You don't suck" on an elementary school Valentine, so I decided on "I'm a sucker for you".

"I'm a sucker for you" Valentine with Free Printable! #valentine #printable

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Scripture Treasure Hunt - includes all the printables you need!

Hi! It's Jilly. I'm in charge of Activity Days at church, which are bi-monthly faith-building activities for the 8-11 year old kids. Today we are doing a Scripture Treasure Hunt! I am going to hide clues around the church building, and the kids will have to look up the scriptures to figure out where the next clue is located. This would be a great activity to do at home for family night, too.

I've included for you clue cards, set-up information, and an answer key for you to print out. The clue cards have a reference from both the Book of Mormon and the Bible. For those of you who are not Mormon, I've included a set of clues with only Bible (KJV) references.

Click HERE to get the PDF for the clues and HERE for the set-up and answer key. All you have to do is print it out. Have fun searching the scriptures!


Friday, November 15, 2013

Halloween to Thanksgiving Decor Switch-A-Roo and FREE Thanksgiving Printable

Hi! It's Jilly. Thanksgiving is sneaking up on us fast. It will be here before we know it! I love decorating for Halloween, but I also like decorating for Thanksgiving. So, what I do when I decorate for Halloween is use a lot of "fall" looking things, like pumpkins and fall leaves, then sprinkle in a few spooky things, like black cats and skeletons. Thanks for the foot bone models, podiatrist hubby!

Halloween to Thanksgiving Decor Switch-A-Roo and a FREE printable! From Hi! It's Jilly

After Halloween I take down the spooky stuff and add in a few "Thanksgiving"ish things.

Monday, August 12, 2013

DIY Doodle Book with FREE Printable!

Hi! It's Jilly. A couple weeks ago my son was bored during church. Ok, that happens pretty much every Sunday. Who am I kidding? ANYway, to help entertain him I started drawing random shapes on a piece of paper and told him to "complete" the picture. He loved it! So, I thought it would be cool to make a little book full of doodles for him and his sisters.

This project is fast and easy, my favorite kind of project! (Like my Upcycled Tights Wreath, Utensil Crock, and Superhero Masks)

And, I've already done the bulk of the work for you. All you have to do is print everything out! Woot!

DIY Doodle Book with FREE Printables. Your kids will love them!

The Official Tutorial:
1) Print out the doodle book pages, double-sided, on regular printer paper. Cut the pages in half width-wise, so your book will be half as tall as a normal sheet of paper.

2) Print out the cover page on colorful paper. You can use cardstock if you'd like it to be more sturdy, but it will be harder work for your stapler. Cut in half.

3) Fold the book pages and cover page in half. Line them up and trim if needed.

4) Staple near the bottom and top of the left hand side, as close to the fold as you can.

All done! That was easy, right?! Your kids will love them!

DIY Doodle Book with FREE printables! Your kids will love it!

Printables are for personal-use only. But, feel free to use them as much as you want!

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If not, you totally should! :)

Monday, June 17, 2013

Teacher Gift: Summer Goodies Cup + FREE Printable!

Hi! It's Jilly. Today is the LAST day of school! Hooray! I wanted to say "Thanks" to the kids' teachers, so I put together this little gift for them.

Teacher Gift: Summer Goodies Cup + Free Printable! | Hi! It's Jilly

I found these cups at Dollar Tree and filled them with goodies! I included a set of polka dot notecards, a Sudoku book, a pencil, some packets of True Lemon, SweeTarts, and some minty lifesavers.

Teacher Gift: Summer Goodies Cup + Free Printable! | Hi! It's Jilly

Then I tied on a tag that says "Have a REFRESHING and RELAXING Summer!". Click HERE for your FREE printable! There are two tags per page. I printed them on cardstock for extra sturdiness. :)

I hope their teachers like them! These would also be fabulous gifts for family, friends, neighbors, or girls you visit teach (for our LDS readers).

Teacher Gift: Summer Goodies Cup + Free Printable! | Hi! It's Jilly

**Like this post? Then please share it on Facebook, Google+, or "pin" it on Pinterest. 
You can also follow me on FacebookGoogle+PinterestTwitterInstagram, or Bloglovin'.** 

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Summer Fun Schedule - Free Printable!

Hi! It's Jilly. My kids don't get out of school for TWO more weeks! Crazy, I tell ya! But, when they do (finally) get out, I want to be prepared!

I've decided we are going to do "school-ish" stuff and chores first thing every morning. The "school-ish" stuff will be a) read for 20 minutes b) do a math worksheet and c) write in your journal. I'll provide journal questions to answer every day.

After they get all that stuff out of the way, I want to have FUN! I need to be more of a fun mom!

SO, I whipped up this Summer FUN Schedule for us to follow. I'm super excited about it!

Summer FUN Schedule from Hi! It's Jilly

Feel free to print this puppy out and slap it on your fridge!

You might be wondering what the Field Trip is. Well, while we are living on the East Coast I want to see as much of it as possible! So, on Fridays we will go on a field trip, either to a local museum, zoo, etc OR visit a city not too far away and possibly spend the night! We live only an hour's drive from Ithaca, Syracuse, and Scranton (check out Dunder-Mufflin. Hee hee!). And, we're only a few hours from NYC, Philadelphia, Boston, Albany, Rochester, Atlantic City, etc. There are SO many awesome places to see! Aaah! Can't wait!! 

Now we just have to make it through the last two weeks of school! ;)

**Like this post? Then please share it on Facebook, Google+, or "pin" it on Pinterest. 
You can also follow me on FacebookGoogle+PinterestTwitterInstagram, or Bloglovin'.** 

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Two Last-Minute Valentines with Free Printables!

Hi! It's Jilly. If you're anything like me, you probably aren't done with your kids' Valentines for school tomorrow. Well, have no fear. Jilly's here! This morning I put together a couple of Valentines for my kiddos, and I made a FREE printable for you!

In the party favor aisle at Wal-Mart they have a a 32 pack of jumping frogs for $1.97.

My son loved the idea of giving out those frogs to his class, so I came up with this cute little Valentine. I used this fun font called "Hornswaggled" for the 'toad'ally awesome part.

Go here to get the free printable.

I thought the font Penmanship Print was so sweet for this "You're the 'write' one for me" Valentine. Love it! The pencils were 97 cents for a 12 pack, also at Wal-Mart. 

Go here for the free printable.

Hope you have a 'hoppy' Valentines Day!!

** Like what you see? Then follow me on Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest
I also like the hang out on Instagram. **


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