Showing posts with label roundup. Show all posts
Showing posts with label roundup. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Yarn Craft Round-Up

Hi! It's Jilly. A few months ago I was able to participate in my friend Kim from Bugaboo, Mini, Mr, and Me's "Yarn It All" series. My contribution was this round-up of 15 crafts you can do with yarn. I thought it would be nice to share it here with you guys.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

The Ultimate Harry Potter Round-Up!

Hi! It's Jilly. You guys may or may not know this, but I am a HUUUGE Harry Potter fan! Seriously. It's kind of sad awesome.

The first movie came out when I was in college. I was able to see a sneak peek before it came out. My friend worked at a theater and invited a bunch of us to come see "this kid movie with a bunch of hype." Well, I loved it! After that I read the first book and I was officially hooked!

I reread the first five books while I was in the hospital with the kiddos, and read HBP as soon as it came out during those long hours sitting on the couch nursing after the kids were born. (that's Half-Blood Prince for those of you who don't know Potter-speak)

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

7 Amazingly Delicious Hot Chocolate Recipes

Hi! It's Jilly. I loooove hot chocolate. Seriously. Nothing says Fall like a big 'ole mug of the stuff. My Hubby likes to spoil me by bringing me different kinds he finds at work or the store. Any kind of hot chocolate is great, but I've gathered a list of seven deadly sins  hot chocolate recipes for your enjoyment.

Proceed with caution, my friends, and don't burn your tongue!

Gingerbread Hot Chocolate Recipe

Gingerbread Hot Chocolate from Coastal Living

Nutella Hot Chocolate from The Hungry Housewife

hot chocolate floats {taste this} at shaken together

Hot Chocolate Floats from Shaken Together

Pumpkin Spice Hot Chocolate from Cookies & Cups

Frozen Hot Chocolate, a la Serendipity, found at Tasty Kitchen

Oreo Cookie Hot Chocolate from SEWlicious Home Decor

Better Than Starbucks Salted Caramel Hot Chocolate from Hi! It's Jilly

Better Than Starbucks Salted Caramel Hot Chocolate

There you go. Seven amazingly delicious hot chocolate recipes. Now go get your "hot chocolate" on! 

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Friday, June 14, 2013

Friday Favorites: Father's Day Gift Ideas

Hi! It's Jilly. I'm starting a new series called "Friday Favorites". Every Friday I will share with you some of my favorite things, whether it be favorite "pins", YouTube videos, books...Whatever tickles my fancy!

Today I thought I'd share my favorite Father's Day gift ideas from my Pinterest board. Well, besides the bookmarks I shared with you Wednesday, of course. ;)

Most Dads love pictures of their cute kids. I thought this idea was so creative! This blog post is full of fun pics perfect for Father's Day!

Since Scott is a podiatrist, this picture would be super cute to put in his office someday.

Who doesn't like to hear they're the best in the world?! Love this free downloadable book!

If you don't want to print out a whole book, this one page printable is super cute.

And lastly, load dear 'ole Dad up on sugar with this sweet bucket of gummy worms!

What A Catch Father's Day Gift Idea with free print on { }

So, be sure to visit these great blog posts and give them some love for their great Father's Day gift ideas! I hope you all have an awesome Father's Day!

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