Showing posts with label social media fast. Show all posts
Showing posts with label social media fast. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

I'm BACK with an Upcycled Tights Wreath

Hi! It's Jilly!! As many of you know, for the last month or so I have been on a Social Media Fast. I was not posting on my blog, Facebook, or Twitter! And, let me tell you, it was AWESOME! It might sound cheesy, but it was so liberating! If you've never done it, you should give it a try! It was nice to not feel like I needed to "keep up" with everyone else and be attached to the computer 24-7. I had some really great responses from some of my friends about the fast, too.

Now, some of you might be thinking, "Hey! I still saw you posting pics on Facebook all the time!" Well, I was still posting pictures on Instagram, which I then shared on Facebook straight from the Instagram app (so I guess I wasn't off of all social media), but I wasn't updating my status, scrolling through other people's updates, etc. I really like documenting our day-to-day on Instagram. Definitely one of my favorite apps!

The break has been great, but I have missed blogging, and I have SO many awesome post ideas buzzing around in my head, that I felt like it was time to bust back into the land of the (online) living!

One of things I've been itching to share with you is this cute wreath I made. I wanted to share it before Valentine's was over!

Guess what it is made out of?!?! Two pairs of tights that no longer fit my girls and a cereal box. Pretty sweet, eh? Let's get to the tutorial, shall we?

1. Use a frisbee or any decent-sized round thing around your house to trace your circle on the cereal box.

2. Cut the legs off of the old tights.

3. Cut off the toes.

4. Cut out your circle, then cut into your circle so you have a place to feed the tights onto the wreath.


5. Feed the tights onto the wreath like you are trying to put socks on a little kid.

6. After you have all your tights pieces onto the wreath, fluff it out a little to make sure it looks good.

7. Staple the cereal box together so you have a continuous circle.

8. Fluff the tights some more so they are covering the cereal box. Add a cute ribbon at the top to hang it by. I also snapped one of the girls' hair clips on the bottom there to add a little somethin' somethin'.

And there you have it! Step back and enjoy your ridiculously easy and cheap holiday wreath. One thing I like about it is that you can use it for Valentines, Fourth of July, or Christmas! Just switch out the hair clip on the bottom and you're all set!

I hope you enjoyed this little tutorial. If you like it, then you should put a pin on it. ;)

 I can't wait to share with you the other great things I have up my sleeve!

Linked to: My Favorite Finds

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Social Media Fast

Hi! It's Jilly. I've been thinking about this a lot lately, and I've decided that I need to unplug for a while. Starting today I am going on a social media fast for one month.

No Facebook. No blogging. No Twitter.

Gasp, I know. But, I feel like it is the best thing for me right now. I've been having a hard time balancing everything. I need to focus on my family and on making our home a slice of heaven on Earth.

I'm afraid I've been doing too much of this:

and not enough of this:

So, for the next month things will be quiet here on the 'ole blog. I will still be posting pictures to Instagram, because I feel like it is a good way to chronicle our normal, everyday lives and I like doing the Photo-A-Day Challenge. But, I will not be updating my Facebook status, Tweeting, or doing any blog posts.

During the month as I do different projects and things I will take pictures so I can potentially share them with you at a later date, but I make no guarantees. We'll see how things go for the month, and then maybe I'll start blogging again in February. Or, maybe not. Who knows?

I hate to just *screeeech* put on the brakes like that and stop blogging, etc for a month, 'cause I've put so much time and effort into this blog, and I feel like I never complete anything I start (which is part of my problem), but I think I need to put more of my time and effort into those things that are essential--caring for myself and my family.

I've also been having a hard time lately with feeling bad about myself because I'm not as good as so-and-so, or post as much as so-and-so, or not as stylish as so-and-so, or as creative as so-and-so, or take pictures as pretty as get the picture.

They say comparison is the thief of joy, and I'm robbing myself left and right. Maybe by unplugging from all the craziness online for a while I can get my head back on straight!

I will be checking my e-mail periodically, so if you need to get a hold of me, drop me a line at Other than that...see ya in a month!!


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